@2blentendre @Ghost_Pack
Maybe This'll help, but as far as I understood the response of @AlexTzone (Page 23 of this thread) to my question:
The response was:
Based on my post below, I think the 143 mm for Asus cards are the relevant measurement and are somewhat allow for the PCIe power height.
Maybe This'll help, but as far as I understood the response of @AlexTzone (Page 23 of this thread) to my question:
I was doing some revision on my custom sleeving skills today, and I thought I might as well ask. When you take the compatibility numbers, GPU height and AIO thickness are directly affected by the PCIe connector and the minimum curvature of the power cables. Has this already been taken into account in your specfications?
The response was:
The measurements don't take this into account since there are a couple of solutions:
I thinks its perhaps better measuring from PCIe connector base (since the "pins" disappear into the GPU)?
- Use GPUs with low-profile power connectors
- Use low-profile PCIe cables
So for standard connectors there will be about 20 mm extra height above the GPU.
Based on my post below, I think the 143 mm for Asus cards are the relevant measurement and are somewhat allow for the PCIe power height.
And therefore I would think (and it is safer to assume) that the 159 mm GPU height is inclusive of the PCIe connector, and therefore the realistic GPU height is 119 ~ 139 mm depending on what kind of connector and cabling you use. This can be pretty much be deduced from the following photos and logic:
1. Asus Turbo cards are 113 mm (red line)
2. In the 92 mm prototype the GPU tolerance was quoted to be 5 mm less than the current specifications (i.e. 154 mm).
3. Therefore the supposed space above the GPU in the photo (cyan line) should be 41 mm, and 46 mm for the 120 mm version. And I didn't measure it, but it looks about right (i.e. the space above the red line is not significantly more than 41-46 mm)
4. You can see that the PCIe connector clearly occupies about half of the cavity (if you count the cables too) and I have determined that to be a minimum of 20 mm with very tight cabling and up to 38 mm for thicker cables.
5. Therefore if you filled up all 159 mm of space with actual card and cooler, you are unlikely to be able to power card.
If this is correct, I would really urge @AlexTzone to dock off 25-30 mm off the GPU tolerance since people complaining their cards don't fit is a far far greater problem than people rejoicing that their unofficially supported GPU actually fits in the case.
1. Asus Turbo cards are 113 mm (red line)
2. In the 92 mm prototype the GPU tolerance was quoted to be 5 mm less than the current specifications (i.e. 154 mm).
3. Therefore the supposed space above the GPU in the photo (cyan line) should be 41 mm, and 46 mm for the 120 mm version. And I didn't measure it, but it looks about right (i.e. the space above the red line is not significantly more than 41-46 mm)
4. You can see that the PCIe connector clearly occupies about half of the cavity (if you count the cables too) and I have determined that to be a minimum of 20 mm with very tight cabling and up to 38 mm for thicker cables.
5. Therefore if you filled up all 159 mm of space with actual card and cooler, you are unlikely to be able to power card.
If this is correct, I would really urge @AlexTzone to dock off 25-30 mm off the GPU tolerance since people complaining their cards don't fit is a far far greater problem than people rejoicing that their unofficially supported GPU actually fits in the case.


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