when shipment to Asia starts? I am from Singapore.
Asia is in the same boat as the "rest of the world", meaning shipping will probably start in a month or so.
when shipment to Asia starts? I am from Singapore.
Their going to be about 4 inches off my backplate, just enough room to have slack to disconnect them.Thanks again for the tips. - Didn't know they existed.
Looking forward to seeing your completed build! - Have you settled on a position for your quick-disconnects? Will they be on the back plate or are you positioning them to be closer to your external radiator?
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Anodizing color is very different. to be disappointing
That does indeed look a bit different. The one on top is almost white and on the bottom it is more of a silver / grey.
I know that it is very difficult to take photos with accurate colors and obviously the lighting and also the monitor play a significant role.
Maybe the photo Alex took was just not accurate color-wise or postprocessed, or the anodization is different.
Photo of the item I received
Anodizing color is very different. to be disappointing
You bought the Steel version right?Anodizing color is very different. to be disappointing
I received the Mjolnir Stealth yesterday.
I know you are new to the sff market.
So, some defects (3~4) in the internal parts are not a problem.
I think it could happen because you are new to everything. I'm fine with it.
defect(5mm * 1.5mm) on external part(unibody) is not acceptable.
what do you think?
Yeah that's a very noticeable mark! Please email us rather than writing here, as this is something we need to keep track of and fix (which isn't something I can do here).
Technically I have an external defects too, although not as bad as those other example.How many reports of external defects were there so far? If I'm not mistaken here in the forum there were only 2 with scratches and 1 or 2 with color mismatch (which would mean ~1%). Have there been more complaints?
How many reports of external defects were there so far? If I'm not mistaken here in the forum there were only 2 with scratches and 1 or 2 with color mismatch (which would mean ~1%). Have there been more complaints?
im having a bit of that issue too (then again I've been bending it because of cables) i noticed that there are some FLAT screws on the side of the GPU you can lock in. take a look at that.Hi guys! me again. Having some issues with my PSU leaning against the side and bottom panels, which seems attributable to the bracket only being held in by two small screws that aren't quite up to the task. Every time I check in, the screws have loosened. Anyone have any tips for keeping the PSU in place and flush with the case?
Yeah - those are the screws that are pretty consistently coming loose for me. I'm considering a command strip or something similar to hold the PSU in place, but not sure what that'll do to the anodizing.im having a bit of that issue too (then again I've been bending it because of cables) i noticed that there are some FLAT screws on the side of the GPU you can lock in. take a look at that.
Over email we've gotten something like 2 more with small scratches w. factory origin and 1 which was caused because the package got punctured during transit. 99% of all defects are either magnets, plastic bits or both.
A tricky one is panel-mismatch, because sometimes there's a problem with the anodizing and other times it's simply because of tolerances and how light bounces on 2 adjacent "flat" objects. Let me get down into the details:
First check these pics. Looks nice yeah?
Now let's look at the exact same case but with strong direct point light (i.e. a nearby incandescent bulb or a phone camera):
You can see that the anodizing between the Shell and the Panels is much closer in the green area versus the red area. The color is obviously the same on the whole panel and the shell, but there is a gradient on the shell that is absent on the panel. The closer and stronger your point light is to both parts the stronger the gradient difference becomes, hence why you see almost no difference when looking at that case in broad daylight (the lighting is very far away...i.e. the sun) but it starts to emerge when having a strong lamp right above it.
This happens because the Shell is less "flat" than the panels, i.e. flatness is a type of tolerance that affects all parts but most notably extrusions. Since the Shell is a very big aluminium profile it's affected a lot more than the relatively small and thin panels. Most notably this would be visible comparing Panels vs Shell along the length of the case (since this is the largest dimension). So even a fully acceptable 0.5-1mm flatness error over 350mm could lead to such "mismatch" when viewed under direct & close-by light source.
Here's an example I've got from a user over email:
Once again, match at the center but difference at the ends (because Shell curves more than the Panels).
Below example from @TerryUSA is actually very hard to judge, because it's very pronounced:
Now this may actually be a faulty anodizing for real, but still, we similar things happening here (i.e. match at the center and difference at the ends). It would help if we could see a "360" video (or photos) of it in broad daylight.
If I remember correctly, the flatness-tolerances for a rectangular extrusion are like below (mega exaggerated). The bigger the aluminium profile the more you'll suffer from this (also the reason we're vary about making a huge MJOLNIRs XXXL for ATX).
Apple has a pretty cool method to deal with this, basically take a picture of every part and let an algo match them up so the difference is as close as possible. But we're obviously not Apple and to make an aluminium extrusion the size of the shell be flat within <0.5mm over 350mm would cost a gazillion dollars and price out 99% of everybody who's got a MJOLNIR thus far. One solution is to not have removable panels and just CNC them directly into the Shell, this would eliminate the possibility of this happening by 100%...but it would also remove any possibility to mix/swap panels and potential for future addons for the sides. We unfortunately seek perfection in an imperfect world and try to achieve it with the tools that are available to us under the budget we have. If you have experience with extrusion you'll know just how ridiculously precise that unibody Shell is, we've basically scoured the globe trying to find someone to match out extrusion requirements.
You're disappointed that your silver color is more silver?
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Anodizing color is very different. to be disappointing
I just finished and plugged mine in...its no where clean as yours...wow simply amazingOMG you guys, ive been scared since Monday that I broke my 3080 Ti from installing the waterblock and had no way to test it! That is, till now. Just finished the loop! I'm leak testing her right now but had to do a quick boot up to see if everything works and ... ITS ALIVE!! I already leak tested with air (ekwb leak tester) and it was fine. Going to let her run overnight with an external power supply on the pump only just to be sure! More to come in a few days.