I bought an
M65-B from Rama Works for 390 USD in 2019. It shipped 18 months later, and there were marks throughout the inside where it looked like the anodizing/bead blasting was unfinished.
I ended up with a 20 USD voucher after (in my opinion) them dismissing my concerns. In contrast, Alex has been infinitely more communicative and seems to really care. I know everyone wants perfect, but nothing ever is. I'm still super happy with my M65-B.
But there was literally a case posted by a user before mine that looked perfect, so I know there will be perfect AAA quality cases coming from this factory, I think I just got unlucky on mine. It's impossible to have defective free products when mass producing, some with issues will always slip through. A human reviewing hundreds of panels to find flaws will miss some, especially smaller imperfections. Then there is assembly, a slip of a tool or bump into a corner can leave permanent marks. Maybe someone in assembly nicked my case and deemed it something most won't notice and didn't say anything or didn't notice, who knows?
When there is constant talk about this factory having the highest QC standards and then you get a case like mine, I think anyone would be upset, it's only natural. And I'm the type of person where the issue will constantly be in my head when I look at it, nothing I can do about it, just the way my brain works.
And lets be real, I didn't expect a 100% perfect case. I even said I could overlook 90% of the issues I reported, even the deep scratches on the mb plate.
Also, the quality observed in close proximity is a little lower than my expectation.
The photos uploaded by Alex are what the case looks like in real life. The quality of the finish is extremely good, minus it being a fingerprint magnet. I wouldn't worry in this regard.
Thanks for all the kind comments, guys.