Looks like X570i Aorus is a no go also, cause the heatsink extends beyond bottom edge of the board (in sandwich layout)
I don't think you'd have any issues fitting it on a B450i - those boards had pretty good compatibility with the exception of the soundcard/M.2 heatsink but most of the other Asus Strix boards in the compatibility sheet have these too so just compare to those as to whether it may conflict.I'm interested in buying it, but after not seeing the b450i strix I'm wondering if there are compatibility problems
Looks like X570i Aorus is a no go also, cause the heatsink extends beyond bottom edge of the board (in sandwich layout)
Where are y'all buying this? Their website links to Newegg, Ebay, and AliExpress pages that don't have it for sale. Seen a couple forum-goers that apparently got preorders, but it sounds like there's stock somewhere and I'm not seeing it.
Ordered mine from JHack
It looks like it's incompatible with the gigabyte x570i board however. I'll try it out when it arrives on Wednesday and would be happy to sell it to you at cost if I end up not keeping it. I'm actually very happy with the L9A and 10mm fan shroud in the K39
I also found it on Taobao (here's the Superbuy link) but I genuinely can't make heads or tails of the "Classifications". They look like different coolers, but maybe they just borrowed pics of their other coolers for examples of materials and fans?
Thanks for the feedback just so happens I am in Melbourne too, I look forward to hearing your impressions when you get it- the shipping cost in combination with the cooler from jhack was about the same as a BlackRidge, I'm in Melbourne for reference
Tall RAM Mode Compatible? | Low Profile Ram compatible? |
There are two possible meanings of "tall RAM" and "low profile RAM" - either "tall" means standard profile (like Corsair LPX or RAM without heatsinks) and "low profile" means ULP DIMMs, but IMO the more likely meaning in this case (due to the design of the cooler being made to not overlap RAM slots at all in most cases) "tall" means "however tall you want it, cooler doesn't interfere" and "low profile" means "standard profile" like Corsair LPX or RAM without heatsinks. Given that the illustrations of the cooler show it not extending over the RAM slot at all I find the latter meaning much more likely, particularly as the first reading (where both designations are limited in height, just at different levels) implies a third category for boards with no overlap at all - and there are after all only two categories.Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I'm also in the same boat. Planning to get one for a future system that has Dan Case A4.1 and B550 or X570 with 3900XT CPU.
Have I understood correctly, that we can rotate the heatsink 180 degrees so that it would extend to the ram side instead of IO and we need to use it with a low profile Ram?
Is it what it means here
Tall RAM Mode Compatible? Low Profile Ram compatible?
Thank you.
To add, the fan on the IS-47K was set to intake, not exhaust. See picture 19 of 22 which shows how I originally mounted the noctua fan as intake on the heatsink. This was prior to test fitting on the mobo which forced me to wedge the fan closer to the curve of the heatpipes. I did not try it mounted as exhaust so cant compare.
I was very surprised by the poor performance as well given the size difference between the coolers. I tested mounting pressure and made sure there wasn't an issue with clearance elsewhere. The cooler was screwed on tight and had even pressure on the CPU. The curve of the heatpipes were at the bottom of the case (mobo is mounted upside down) and 92mm fan wedged against them so it would fit without interference with the chipset heatsink.
The L9A is back on my system with Prime95 running as I type. I'm 8 minutes into the test and stabilizing at 84.8C.
For reference, the L9A without a fan shroud is 2-4C warmer as the hot air starts to recycle. Shroud is definitely worth it.