Motherboard Group Buy/Crowdfunded Modded BIOS for the Asrock A300m (Deskmini A300)


Average Stuffer
Jul 15, 2019
So I had not actually visited the ASRock forum's barebones section (aka outside the Hyper-V thread and related), HOLY SHIT, the amount of people having Virtualization and NVMe issues is absurd!
That said, as I have said many times, it very much seems to be an AGESA/AssociatedModules issue as I am not seeing anyone with a 2x00G Zen APU having issues, just those with 3x00G Zen+ APU's

But again, I was already pretty damn sure when the BETA bios had a newer version and works like a charm...
Too bad ASRock support is lacking in the support


Too busy figuring out if I can to think if I shoul
Platinum Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 30, 2016
Rip the dream indeed, but it looks like a worth upgrade (for me at least)

The 4400G looks like it's about 2x better than my 2400G as long as I'm looking at firestrike. my score w/1060

And x300 supporting overclocking, that's looking really good!

I just need to upgrade my SSD so I can sell off the A300 w/ 2400g as a complete system to find the 4400g/X300

Honestly the 4700g doesn't look like a huge jump based on those firestrike benches.


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Honestly the 4700g doesn't look like a huge jump based on those firestrike benches.

4700G is worth if you need the 8 cores and 16 threads ... not sure games would benefits from that, especially if gaming on the iGPU. I'll go with the 4700G for my main rig, as I'll need all the cores but this will be a dev and content production build ;-).
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Too busy figuring out if I can to think if I shoul
Platinum Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 30, 2016
4700G is worth if you need the 8 cores and 16 threads ... not sure games would benefits from that, especially if gaming on the iGPU. I'll go with the 4700G for my main rig, as I'll need all the cores but this will be a dev and content production build ;-).
Ah yeah I didn't think about that. Definitely worth it for that, but yeah for a gaming build it probably won't make a huge difference.


Case Bender
New User
Jun 13, 2020
So I had not actually visited the ASRock forum's barebones section (aka outside the Hyper-V thread and related), HOLY SHIT, the amount of people having Virtualization and NVMe issues is absurd!
That said, as I have said many times, it very much seems to be an AGESA/AssociatedModules issue as I am not seeing anyone with a 2x00G Zen APU having issues, just those with 3x00G Zen+ APU's

But again, I was already pretty damn sure when the BETA bios had a newer version and works like a charm...
Too bad ASRock support is lacking in the support

Hello @Hammerfest, Im also having boot issue when activating Hyper-V. Where can I find the 3.53 beta bios? Thanks


Chassis Packer
May 27, 2020
As for the selling price, the current news estimates that 8-core Ryzen 7 4700G will be priced between US$200-250, 6-core and 4-core Ryzen 5 4400G and Ryzen 3 4300G will be priced between US$150-200 And AMD decided to release the Ryzen 4000G series APU on July 27, and it will be fully compatible with budget platforms such as B550 and A520

Google translate:


Cable Smoosher
May 24, 2020
not cheap, but then think about it, 8 cores in a small system like this, some guy on youtube claims the igpu is as fast as a 1050 2gb, i believe it when i see 3rd party benchmarks, if this claim is true u have a nice 2l streaming machine


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Coming from 35W 4th gen i7 with GT1030, this Ryzen 7 4700G will be a HUGE CPU boost and a quite substancial boost in GPU too. Power consumption will be pretty much the same than the combined power draw from my CPU + dGPU.

I can't wait, July 27 seems so far away ?


Cable Smoosher
May 24, 2020
still very promising, after intel forced the delay of amd nuc types, yet this sounds very good

thanks god that i have an edit button now, this should stop the triple posts
Last edited:


Shrink Ray Wielder
Jan 20, 2018
While it would be a nice surprise if it were true, I don't find these prices believable. There's no reason to expect a significant performance deficiency between these APUs and the 3000-series CPUs - sure, they have smaller caches, but that's pretty much it. MSRPs for the cheapest SKU per core count there is $329 for 8c, $199 for 6c, and $99 for 4c (with retail prices for higher core count versions generally being a bit lower than MSRP). Even if the 4700G turns out to be 8c8t, that is a massive discount for no discernible reason. If the 6c part indeed turns out to be named 4400G that can be seen as an indication of core counts being shuffled down to lower tiers with upcoming Zen 3 CPUs, (3500X is 6c6t, 3600/-X are 6c12t, 3400G, 3300X and 3100 are 4c8t), but that pricing still seems unrealistically low. Why would anyone then buy a 3700X if they can get near identical performance for $50-100 less with an APU on the same platform? Pricing like that would just undermine existing products.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
@ASRock System
can you please do a solid and request of suppor that when some time is there to spare, update the AGESA and associated modules on the A300, would be great for that AMD released, but hell, id take even...

Support tickets have been useless, I only found out about the beta bios because I found it when I searched:

BETA Bios 3.53 which has newer (don't recall the specific revision), works fine, no issues as the bugs where in AGESA and associated modules for Zen+

I own and have sold and recommended about 20 of these so far, but myself and 2 others who have them cannot do VM's on it due to the AGESA and associated modules which DO NOT play well with Zen+!
Hello first of all, I'm new to this place as an active member.
I have used to observe your community, since it seems the only reasonable spot to talk about A300.
My background is IT but English is not my first language.

I'd like to emphasize what Hammerfest and some others have said.

I don't want to sound salty.

I have also the A300, 2400G, RipJaws 3200 CL18, 1TB Crucial NVMe, 500GB Samsung Evo S-ATA.

I would be happy as a gold nugged if the BIOS would be at least written in a correct way.

Virtualization and M.2 is killing the experience. As well as the fact, that in BIOS there are kinda two NICs in the system, but there is physically only one... Resulting in such simple things as WOL not working..

I have to say, at least ASRock has to put some live to their devices or customers/community. Or there will be no X300 for me.

As I'm currently seeing there are some nice, small B550 coming out (Asus) and there would be an upgrade path in that way.

I don't mind such quality things as humming VRMs, but at least make the software done. Thanks.

Otherwise this would be 10/10 product.

You see it's nice and powerfull, dual screen, etc. But Android Studio does not emulate a device unter Windows. Linux knows how to get it done. But this is relating to the problems "unter the hood".

Sorry maybe for going bit emotional on that, but I've been watching you guys for a longer time :)

Thanks to be a part of.



Chassis Packer
Jun 22, 2020
hi, marco from italy.. mmm, i'm new with this product deskmini a300 , ryzen 3400g, ballistix 3200mhz and a ssd 1 gb crucial ( sata not nvme ). what's the problem with nvme?
also i've got a strange behavior with the usb2.0 addon , they could handle only wired mouse and keyboard. i canot use a wireless mouse ( it's lagging) and a wifi dongle will freeze the system. also it's terrible design so i've put outside the connector becouse it's too hard to handle the cable correctly inside the box..
it's also impossibile to use virtualbox or similiar, isnt it?


Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
The Problem with NVMe is, as soon as you enable Hyper-V you gonna experience a boot-loop. So you have to disconnect your tower, unscrew the M.2, restart couple of times and hope to get out of the boot loop.

As soon as you unplug the NVMe, it boots into BIOS (before not). There I enable the NVMe RAID to reset something in BIOS, idk. It's a work around in this case. After, you can screw all back in... It still may not boot, so you have to repeat the procedure and additionally disable VTx. Again, screw all together. Now it should work. Untill you change again something related to Hyper-V. E.g. Windows Sandbox feature (Apps/Features).

What happens under the hood - I do not know

To be able to use Virtual Box you have to disable Hyper-V. There is incompatibility issue.

You can use Virtual Box with VTx features once you have gotten rid of Hyper-V by enabling VTx in BIOS again.

Pain on the ass to find such a workaround. Its unacceptable for a person, who has no idea of the field. He/She just wants to use the app. Whatever.

Also, WOL isn't working, so you will have probably to leave your machine on to be able to access it from remote location. Instead of being able to turn it remotely on. (VPN->WOL)


Chassis Packer
Jun 22, 2020
ok, thanks i understand. i'm using Linux ( linuxmint 20 ) the boot-loop occours also in linux?
right now the system is pretty usable with last kernel 5.7 .
amnyway it's clear why they wont fix the problem : a sff with a 4c/8t cpu with 64gb ram with 2nvme+2sata port are a combo for small office server with a low price ( 125€ deskmini, 150€ 3400g, 350€ 64gb ram ). they wont sell anything else!