Hey mate!
I'm sorry it's been a while... I am not dead!
I have been working hard on the DDC Pump-Block part of this project among other things...
I have received my radiator
Having the radiator in hands allowed me to better understand how it works and I found a simple way to route the water.
I have designed (3 times) and 3D printed the pump-block (standalone, not linkable to distroplate).
This design allows the the pump to be in the center and that will fit in my case (with my GPU HDMI ports)!
I have made different designs with the pump at the bottom and inlet and outlet at the top but I can't use them so...
I have tried to simplify it somehow.
But you know what 3d printed plastic is porous and given time, water will start to find a way!
So I have used nail polish to mitigate this and it got better but still it's not perfect (in 3d print). Otherwise it seems to work as expected.
I think I will try to find someone to make one in Acrylic.
I have not touched the distro-plate and unipanel since, sorry.
I am more interested in this tiny block for now...
See you!