

Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jun 7, 2018
What filters have people ordered for the case? And where did people install them?

Bottom -- I assume installed outside --

Top -- I assume installed inside --

Side -- I assume this one would be to replace the filter that comes with the case --

Rear -- I assume installed outside --

Would you use the "top" one if you wanted to install it on the inside of the side panel rather than on the fan frame (i.e, esp on the power supply/right side of the case)? Is there still room to put it there and have the sides fit on? Or are people just mounting one directly to the PSU rather than the side panel?

I've seen some people saying that using the bottom one increases their GPU temps by a few degrees. Does it also tend to raise the temp in general, or is there enough ambient airflow to still?

Phew...lots of questions.


Spatial Philosopher
Jul 7, 2017
Honestly I would just use the included Ncase filters. If you have 1 or 2 side intake fans and bottom intake there is no need for top or back filters. I ran mine with the side and bottom filters for a year and it was almost dust free. Setup like that it exhausts out of the top and back and you won't get dust in that way. If you are using a Corsiar SF PSU the fan just doesn't come on often enough to really need a dust filter.

This is how mine looked after a year of use without cleaning.


Cable Smoosher
Sep 2, 2017
I brought DemciFilters too and ended up not using them on my Ncase. I just using the default filter that it came with


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jun 7, 2018
I think I'm most interested in the top filter probably, to keep out ambient dust fall. My room is fairly dusty and my current black case is always dusty (solid top). Although I do wonder how many people buy them and end up not using them.