CPU/GPU Coolers and Heat pipes


King of Cable Management
Apr 28, 2017
I have a crazy idea but it depends on something.

How hard would be to remove the existing heatpipes on the Arctic Accelero and replace them with my own 6mm heatpipes? Don't worry about the block, I mean just getting them out of the fins.

Are they secured in there just by mechanical force or something more?

High res images:

I want to rig the four of the Arctic Accelero 6mm pipes to the HDplex GPU block. And rig the other four to my case.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Nov 13, 2016
So if the thing on top of the heatpipe isn't pushing down evenly, it could bend the heatpipe, and so thermal transfer will suck.

So I'm just looking at this,

And wondering if I could just put this cooler directly on top of the flat-heatpipe, and screw those holes directly into the motherboard with some kind of long screws. Maybe long screws with springs, to keep the pressure even.

Most likely I wouldn't use this ^^ exact heat-sink.

Maybe something like this,

Which has 10 heatpipes, or 5 bi-directional heatpipes (I'm guessing as effective as 10).


King of Cable Management
Apr 28, 2017
I bet you could, but the flat heatpipe might compress. I don't know if they are designed for a lot of clamping pressure. As you tighten it down I think it will just smoosh. Maybe you could find a spacer or washer combination that is just slightly less tall than the flat heatpipe, to limit how much it will compress.

Also that second picture has an offset square shape orientation which would press into the heatpipe with a sharp edge and dent it, I think you could shim that with a copper plate or sand off the elevated area.
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King of Cable Management
Apr 28, 2017
Take a look at these heatpipe kits fabricated for the "A-sync" case internals. Apparently they fabricate the heatpipes themselves. I looked for details but cannot tell if they are 6mm 8mm or something else.

A custom fabricated fully passive solution.

Wonder if that thing can swivel.

Lower TDP version but note the Chipset cooling

Here's the "Low TDP" gpu solution.

"Extreme" solution!!! Three heatpipe VGA cooler and beautifully designed machined aluminum VRM single heatpipe cooler solution. This part isn't sold individually, only with purchase of an entire system.

The cases are extremely expensive. http://atechfabrication.com/products/HeatSync_7000.htm


King of Cable Management
Apr 28, 2017
It looks like the HDPlex copper cpu block could in theory fit to the copper side of the GPU block. The length is different, but the heatpipes should line up. Which means, clearance permitting, it might be possible to rig a CPU and GPU to sandwich the same copper block and share the heatpipes.... I already know that 8 heatpipes can handle well over 250 watts.

Oh no my wallet... just thinking about this.

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