No idea but from this page its has a converter for atx psus. Looks interesting., that's going to be game changing if they can keep it small and reasonably priced. I already have my eye on a Catz C-1 and using a 1060 so if I could fit a 300w ac-dc converter in the case I'd be in SFF heaven. But beyond size, how do you keep the converter reasonably cool?
I'm really hoping it fits on the motherboard side. Since this case is a bit longer than that of an S4.any thoughts regarding compatibility.
Ouch, top of this thread is a slog. Sorry for the cold reception.
Couple of questions about the C1:
- What are the GPU size limitations in regards to length and height? What GTX 1070/1080 cards can fit in the chassis?
- What's the max thickness a 2.5" HDD be to fit under the GPU?
- What CPU cooler is recommended for this case? What's the max height a CPU cooler can be in order to fit?
1. Lenght 211mm (max 214mm), width 140mm if 8pin pci-e is in cutout, height 44mm. So gtx1080 should Fit.Couple of questions about the C1:
- What are the GPU size limitations in regards to length and height? What GTX 1070/1080 cards can fit in the chassis?
- What's the max thickness a 2.5" HDD be to fit under the GPU?
- What CPU cooler is recommended for this case? What's the max height a CPU cooler can be in order to fit?
I also was happy with the options available because I am so in love with the NFC S4, however after the waiting list was sent out, and the shop opened to pre-orders, after shipping, potential customs for some folks in EU, accessories and other costs, the price increase of over %30 on the case itself, I simply couldn't manage it. Love the case, love the work and the polish and Josh's commitment to customers, but some things just remove accessibility with costs - and that is exactly what happened with the S4 and me.
Luckily, this beauty was posted (and in EU!) as my spirits were dipping, and gave me that accessibility. I ordered the black and white unibody that is posted as a model, because it is so nice.
I can move gpu bracket 8mm lower (without odd), and it give you 53mm for graphic card. If gtx1080 mini without fans have 28mm height should be ok.I know it varies, but would a 25mm thick fan fit on the GPU side? My intention would be to de-shroud a 1080 Mini and fit it with a more powerful fan. For cooling and acoustics.
Thunderbolt, I plan on purchasing a drive enclosure that runs off of it, and the fact that you can SLI on this motherboard too with a passive adapter. And it looks nice.What made you go with the Fatality over the Strix? It seems that everyone values the dual M.2 slots so much.
I was wondering though - Is this Thermaltake one (at 20cm) just too short, or is there a way to make it work?
Too short, remember the motherboard itself is 17cm, so that only leaves 3 cm for the bend and inserting into the PCI-E socket. Thermaltake does make a 300mm one for a little more money @amitoza, I know you have said 25cm-30cm is best for the PCIe riser and I did find some good ones on the market.
I was wondering though - Is this Thermaltake one (at 20cm) just too short, or is there a way to make it work?