
Retro SFF: 3D Printable Armor for Your 3dFX Voodoo2

Image Credit – Jeff Chen


Printables member Jeff Chen has created 3D printable back and front plates for the legendary 3dFX Voodoo2. For those that are either too young to remember, or have never heard of the Voodoo2, it dates back to the late 90s. Back then there were half-a-dozen different GPU manufactures. All basically had their own APIs, and all of them had issues. The Voodoo2 arrived, had the highest compatibility of all the cards, and was the fastest card for its time. It also birthed the concept of SLI. These cards were a plug and play way to get the best gaming performance in the world. Just drop one into a PCI slot.

However, they also didn’t come with any protection. The idea of front and back plate wouldn’t arrive for many years. Thankfully, Jeff has done the hard work in designing one.


Check out Jeff’s Printables page by CLICKING HERE.

Image Credit – Jeff Chen
Printables member Jeff Chen has created 3D printable back and front plates for the legendary 3dFX Voodoo2. For those that are either too young to remember, or have never heard of the Voodoo2, it dates back to the late 90s. Back then there were half-a-dozen different GPU manufactures. All basically had their own APIs, and all of them had issues. The Voodoo2 arrived, had the highest compatibility of all the cards, and was the fastest card for its time. It also birthed the concept of SLI. These cards were a plug and play way to get the best gaming performance in the world. Just drop one into a PCI...

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