Image Credit – Zac Builds
The PS2 came to market over twenty years ago, and still lives in special place in many gamer’s hearts. Legendary games such as Metal Gear Solid 2, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy X, Shadow of the Colossus, Ratchet and Clank, Kingdom Hearts, and many more were born on the PS2. Many are still getting remakes to this day.  To be honest, that’s actually only scratching the surface of the PS2 library. However, one thing that the PS2 was not particularly renowned for was its, let’s say, retro industrial design. Zac Builds is fixing that.
Zac has put together a wonderfully redesigned PS2 using 3D printing, CNC routing, and a few modern mods. It features real walnut wood trim, an acrylic window, and a...

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