
Bitwit is Closing Down

Image Credit – Lyle From Bitwit


One of the big tech tubers, Bitwit, is shutting down. Bitwit is owned and operated by Kyle Hansen, seen above staring into our souls. Kyle has had a rough time over the last two years with a divorce that ultimately led to depression. The good news is that he has recovered substantially. The bad news for Bitwit fans is that as part of the recovery, Kyle is moving on to a more lifestyle focused channel named after himself, and will no longer be producing Bitwit content. He may still occasionally post a video to Bitwit, however the days of it being his primary channel are now over.

I could go into a long history of his channel however I will leave that for his video. Instead, I want to applaud him for focusing on doing what he needs to do to take care of his mental health. All too often YouTubers push themselves so hard that they begin to hate the passion that lead them to start their channel in the first place. Ultimately, chasing the algorithm is not fun, and leads you to places that you may not want to be.  Kyle seems to truly enjoy his new channel, and while it’s hard to set aside something you worked hard on, sometimes it’s just the right thing to do.

I wish Kyle all the best luck in his endeavors. Check out his goodbye video below.


Image Credit – Lyle From Bitwit
One of the big tech tubers, Bitwit, is shutting down. Bitwit is owned and operated by Kyle Hansen, seen above staring into our souls. Kyle has had a rough time over the last two years with a divorce that ultimately led to depression. The good news is that he has recovered substantially. The bad news for Bitwit fans is that as part of the recovery, Kyle is moving on to a more lifestyle focused channel named after himself, and will no longer be producing Bitwit content. He may still occasionally post a video to Bitwit, however the days of it being his primary channel are now over.
I could go into a long history of his channel however I will leave that for his video. Instead, I...

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Christopher Moine - Senior Editor SFF.N
Original poster
Revenant Tech
SFFn Staff
Apr 21, 2017
Gonna miss his tech stuff. I've always enjoyed that he shows what he messes up as well.
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