I feel like sticking to your initial plan is the best move. If people haven't made their commitment during the campaign window, that is on them. If you change the plan, and potentially delay things for the people who already committed, then that falls on you guys.
If there are buyers who don't want to wait another 2 years for Sentry 3.0, then they should put their money where their mouth is and fund the current campaign. If the excuse is needing the funds from the start of a month... they already had a start of the month period, and it just so happens that we are at the end of one now. Not to be condescending, but that's how time works, and I don't feel like you guys should put yourselves in a bad situation when the blame can't be placed on you for letting things play out as planned from the start.
I've always believed the best way to expand a consumer base is to take care of the existing one you have.
As long as it wasn’t detrimental to those who have already ordered, I see no problem extending the timeline for preorders, but if it looks like it will be making the deadlines on your schedule start backsliding, then I’d say it needs to be re-evaluated.
I see I made a little mess with this answer about extending the campaign. Maybe it wasn't clear enough, so I will try to fix it a little bit:
1. Yes, we are receiving messages with questions about possibility to extend the campaign period (because of many reasons).
2. Yes, Indiegogo allows us to extend our campaign up to 60 days from the campaign launch.
3. No, we didn't decide yet if we will use this feature (we will make our decision probably on the last day).
4. No, if we will extend the duration of the campaign, we will not add several weeks or a full month to it. Please DO NOT count on that. It will be something like 24 or 48 hours, and that's it. If someone was counting on another month, then sorry, but no. Such 48 hours or similar won't make a big difference, but several weeks will affect many aspects of our timeline and we can't agree on that.
If we will extend the campaign period, it will be for a very short period, and it should be enough for everybody, who really wants to make an order.
We will maybe add to this an InDemand option, which will not affect the main campaign at all, but if you will be fast enough, even few days after the campaign you will be able to catch on our main campaign train. But we also still didn't decide if we will use it, and even if we will use it, it will be available only until we will get funds from the main campaign.
I think we are fair with everybody, and we gave a fair amount of information to make an "on time" decision. We declared our manufacturing timeline and we need to stick to it.
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