Seeking a standardized/proper terminology


Caliper Novice
Original poster
Jul 7, 2017
Hello & Thank You for allowing me to participate. I am wondering if there is a proper name (one or more words) for a type of motherboard that uses a round or other shape plug for DC input of power? I mean the type of DC power you get from a "brick" or such. It has been tedious at best searching for a board with this type of connection, especially since I don't know if the connection has a proper name. Thank You.


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Hmm, I don't think there's a term for that type of motherboard in general now that I think about it.

The current Mini-STX boards only use DC jacks, Thin Mini-ITX often has support for it, embedded and industrial boards often have it too.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Apr 18, 2017
Hello & Thank You for allowing me to participate. I am wondering if there is a proper name (one or more words) for a type of motherboard that uses a round or other shape plug for DC input of power? I mean the type of DC power you get from a "brick" or such. It has been tedious at best searching for a board with this type of connection, especially since I don't know if the connection has a proper name. Thank You.

Intel released the thin mini-ITX DH61AG motherboard in 2011 as a reference design which used Sandy Bridge CPUs and had Intel Graphics HD 3000. Over time several motherboard manufacturers produced product based on this reference design.

The key term to use in your search is “thin”.

I did this survey in 2015 but have not kept current on the subject:

This last year the "mini-STX" form factor was released and is also a thin design (on board DC to DC PSU requiring external AC to DC brick).

Thin is interesting but usually is thought to be too restrictive as the design does not provide a standard PCIe -x16 slot.

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Caliper Novice
Original poster
Jul 7, 2017
Hello & Thank You. 10-4 on the ASUS g20 utilizes external psu and I believe it is a mATX...dunno 'cause there ain't no board inside. It looks like a laptop mobo. I was aware of some ITX having the "...." connection. I was curious about the "calling" of same. Mfr's will have to sell all the rotating psu before encapsulated transistorized power becomes the norm. I mean, before the bottom falls out...just like my lower torso. Do any of y'all run cables/wirin' under the "thin" ITX boards? Come back now, hear!


SFF Guru
Jun 22, 2015
Based on Google images, Asus has engineered a custom motherboard for this PC. (Several OEMs do this for prebuilt custom systems - think business-oriented systems from Dell, MSI Vortex, Apple Mac Pro, etc.) It is L-shaped, rather than square, and appears to fit socketed CPUs, a physical x16 slot and 2 SODIMMs.


Caliper Novice
Original poster
Jul 7, 2017
10-4 on the x16. The ITX apparently was not meant for big vid according to marketing/accounting etc. My Asus G20 uses external pwr. The mobo looks like a mATX...dunno for sure 'cause there ain't one inside. The Asus BT!AD may use ext pwr & a mATX. HP 8200 uses brick pwr & is BTX. The idea has been around, jus' like embedded "chips" for dementia. I shoulda bought ALIBABA stock last year. Maybe da brick will become the norm after mfr's use all the rotating psu inventory. I met a fellow vet @ the town VFW once (well, once upon a time) said he could rebuild a Detroit Diesel rack eyes closed. I retired in Dec. 2012. If I didn't have a laptop, I'd still be working on that DD15...about 900 Cubic inches....big brick!
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Apr 18, 2017
Hello & Thank You. 10-4 on the ASUS g20 utilizes external psu and I believe it is a mATX...dunno 'cause there ain't no board inside. It looks like a laptop mobo. I was aware of some ITX having the "...." connection. I was curious about the "calling" of same. Mfr's will have to sell all the rotating psu before encapsulated transistorized power becomes the norm. I mean, before the bottom falls out...just like my lower torso. Do any of y'all run cables/wirin' under the "thin" ITX boards? Come back now, hear!

Yes I run cable under the motherboard in many projects. Check out this one with an ASUS STX motherboard in a Apple G4 Cube hack that I completed sometime ago:

This STX motherboard uses an external AC to DC power brick.

Another project can be seen here:



Caliper Novice
Original poster
Jul 7, 2017
...for a mobo accepting the "brick" psu...round connection or otherwise? I have seen it used on mATX AND smaller form factors?


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Indeed, there is no need for another topic about this, just continue here.

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