I should have realised it - the dc-ups would flicker when it reached charging voltage and current dips to 20mA. It didn't last night. Let's hope these light green cells is not damaged permanently. It's now going up to 3.5V, fingers crossed.
My problem was these XT 60 connectors doesn't lend itself to easy current measuring, it was my fault for desoldering the screw terminal, that'd've been way easier to do with.
All in all, the light green cells are proven to be the bottleneck. And I'm not sure how a bms could help us in that regard.
Movie's finished, will shut this down and set a proper charging current, then I'll leave it plugged until the board deemed it to be full then redo the test.
All in all, disregarding the small recharges, we got 1.5 hrs youtube/browsing + 1 hr idle (can't be sure, might be 2 hrs) + 45 mins movie playback.
If we are to sum all capacities together, the whole pack is 24.300 mAh with 3.7V nominal, which is ~90Whr. Given that we run them at 85% capacity (max of 4.03V instead of 4.2V, figure taken from a study about SoC-OCV approximation method), that means only 76.5 Whr.
So either my PC's pretty efficient or the load just not taxing enough.
My problem was these XT 60 connectors doesn't lend itself to easy current measuring, it was my fault for desoldering the screw terminal, that'd've been way easier to do with.
All in all, the light green cells are proven to be the bottleneck. And I'm not sure how a bms could help us in that regard.
Movie's finished, will shut this down and set a proper charging current, then I'll leave it plugged until the board deemed it to be full then redo the test.
All in all, disregarding the small recharges, we got 1.5 hrs youtube/browsing + 1 hr idle (can't be sure, might be 2 hrs) + 45 mins movie playback.
If we are to sum all capacities together, the whole pack is 24.300 mAh with 3.7V nominal, which is ~90Whr. Given that we run them at 85% capacity (max of 4.03V instead of 4.2V, figure taken from a study about SoC-OCV approximation method), that means only 76.5 Whr.
So either my PC's pretty efficient or the load just not taxing enough.
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