Oh hai

Hi all, I thought I'd make my foray into this forum.

Short story: I've been using a rather large ATX build at home so far, and I've regularly lugged that to the office for the LAN party that we regularly have there. Earlier this year I switched to water cooling, which packed 10 kg or so on top of what was already a rather heavy PC... long story short, I hurt my back and figured I needed something smaller I could take with me and which could double as a living-room-gaming/media-center PC when I'm not carrying it to LAN parties. 🙃

I've got a Thor-Zone Nanoq S on order (grabbed a cancelled pre-order on a whim) and have some basic ideas about what I'll put in there, but nothing 100% fixed yet. Let's see what happens.


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Welcome to the forum ! Definitely a good reason to go with SFF when you regularly need to lug around your PC :)

Be sure to read up on the terms and rules of the forum. Mainly for buying and selling or other commercial activity on the forum as the access is limited and the rules are strictly enforced.

As a new user you're probably not able to edit posts or links just yet, so if a substantial error was made, click the Report-button in the post.

Hope to see you around, enjoy the wonderful world of SFF !