New to SFF and the Forum

Hi folks! I'm new to the SFF community, and am looking forward to getting started!

TL;DR - Photographer growing out of the Macbook Pro and into a custom SFF PC. Hi!

Little About Me:
I'm a hobby photographer currently living on the east coast. At this moment in time I'm using Apple products and have been since 2011, when I bought a Macbook Pro. Now, nearly six years later (will be by the time I build it) I'm moving back to PC. I'm looking to absorb as much information as I can and learn from everyone!

Why I'm Leaving Mac:
As I stated before, my Macbook Pro is now five years old (technically six since it's a 2010 model) and as a result it's starting to fall behind. It came with 4GB of RAM and soon I noticed the laptop ran crazy slow. So last year (or 2014, I can't remember) I updated the RAM to the laptops full capacity of 8GBs. For awhile it was great, but now I can barely edit a single photo before my computer locks up.

So it's time to move on. I'll still keep the Macbook for school and travel, but I'm looking to move to a better platform for daily use. I thought about going to a new Macbook, but considering the price for anything decent I might as well build my own and make it look how I want. On top of that, there's a couple of games I'd love to play (on Ultra, of course) that my Macbook can't support.

So yeah! That's me, and that's why I'm here. I already have a few builds drafted and am still researching!


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Well, I'm out since I'm well below the "useful posting" curve, but I'll gladly keep spamming !