Need help for my upcoming case design


Chassis Packer
Original poster
Oct 24, 2018
Hello i wanted to introduce myself first. My name is Christian Dumdum i am a pc modder and i do love creating scratch builds, I currently studying entrepreneurship here in the Philippines. As a pc lover and a business lover i wanted to create my first business and that is a computer case business. My problem is that i'm not good in making 3d designs and renderings i was hoping if someone could help me with it. i currently have a design on my head and have a 2d file for it . I did try to use a cad software named Autodesk fusion 360 but i'm having trouble with it . well best of luck i hope someone could help me with my problem ( design is not final yet )

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Caliper Novice
Aug 19, 2018
You have a long way to go. Since you intend to do this as a business, I don't think anyone would render it for free. There are so many considerations that go into making a case that it would be a waste of time for someone to render unless you have worked out all the hardware, materials and parts. There would be far too much back and forth.

About the design - you are better off making this a normal GPU attached to mobo design. The riser adds a great deal of cost to the case for very little benefit here (in my opinion). The 240mm rad also has no space for fans unless they're mounted above.
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Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
Hello i wanted to introduce myself first. My name is Christian Dumdum i am a pc modder and i do love creating scratch builds, I currently studying entrepreneurship here in the Philippines. As a pc lover and a business lover i wanted to create my first business and that is a computer case business. My problem is that i'm not good in making 3d designs and renderings i was hoping if someone could help me with it. i currently have a design on my head and have a 2d file for it . I did try to use a cad software named Autodesk fusion 360 but i'm having trouble with it . well best of luck i hope someone could help me with my problem ( design is not final yet )

Seeing as the last guy who requested bailed on me, I would be glad to do it for experience. PM me, get my email, and we can talk. I would love to help. I use Fusion360, so i can share the file with you easily.


King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
I could do a quick thing in Inkscape for laser cutting with acrylic (fully). It would take a few weeks, but I might be able to get something done. If you don't want an acrylic case, I'm afraid Windfall is the only one that can help you currently.

(seeing as he has actually designed cases and has actually made things)


Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
I could do a quick thing in Inkscape for laser cutting with acrylic (fully). It would take a few weeks, but I might be able to get something done. If you don't want an acrylic case, I'm afraid Windfall is the only one that can help you currently.

(seeing as he has actually designed cases and has actually made things)
Now, now. I have "designed cases and has actually made things", but I am not as experienced with PCs as some. CAD, yes, but PCs? Not as much. XD
Thanks for that though, el01!
Yeah, I mainly do sheet metal.
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King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
Now, now. I have "designed cases and has actually made things", but I am not as experienced with PCs as some. CAD, yes, but PCs? Not as much. XD
Thanks for that though, el01!
Yeah, I mainly do sheet metal.
Well, I'm a theoretical (emphasis here-if you ask me about forces within a case, I won't respond) physics student and at best a kinda crappy computer scientist, so I'm an idiot when it comes to CAD ;). My PC experience was learned in high school and I took some online classes to get a certification, so now I can do IT (-ish)!
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Chassis Packer
Original poster
Oct 24, 2018
You have a long way to go. Since you intend to do this as a business, I don't think anyone would render it for free. There are so many considerations that go into making a case that it would be a waste of time for someone to render unless you have worked out all the hardware, materials and parts. There would be far too much back and forth.

About the design - you are better off making this a normal GPU attached to mobo design. The riser adds a great deal of cost to the case for very little benefit here (in my opinion). The 240mm rad also has no space for fans unless they're mounted above.

yes very long lol but ill try my best in order to fulfill my dream.

about the gpu thing. i was actually thinking about that to save cost but if orient it in the normal way. My problems are gpu space will be shorter , cable management will have bit of a problem since i must put some holes in the back of the mobo area. The pros about your suggestion is that its cheaper to manufacture and larger cpu cooler space but ill take a note for your suggest i do appreciate your feed back !


Chassis Packer
Original poster
Oct 24, 2018
Not for free but very cheap you could get someone on (I didn't name the place!)

Seeing as the last guy who requested bailed on me, I would be glad to do it for experience. PM me, get my email, and we can talk. I would love to help. I use Fusion360, so i can share the file with you easily.

I could do a quick thing in Inkscape for laser cutting with acrylic (fully). It would take a few weeks, but I might be able to get something done. If you don't want an acrylic case, I'm afraid Windfall is the only one that can help you currently.

(seeing as he has actually designed cases and has actually made things)

i appreciate your feedback guys but ill still think about it there are lots of offers that i'm getting. ill go back to you guys soon !
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Master of Cramming
Apr 4, 2018
Hello i wanted to introduce myself first. My name is Christian Dumdum i am a pc modder and i do love creating scratch builds, I currently studying entrepreneurship here in the Philippines. As a pc lover and a business lover i wanted to create my first business and that is a computer case business. My problem is that i'm not good in making 3d designs and renderings i was hoping if someone could help me with it. i currently have a design on my head and have a 2d file for it . I did try to use a cad software named Autodesk fusion 360 but i'm having trouble with it . well best of luck i hope someone could help me with my problem ( design is not final yet )

Welcome! I wish you the best as you start out here. I know that business is built on partnerships so hopefully you can form good ones that can make good things happen for the both of you. I've not been to the Philippines but I know a ton of people who are from there, have gone there, or are Filipino but have been in the States for a couple of generations. One guy in particular has a daughter there. My office is picking up Filipino food for lunch today too... local diner, though, not Jollibee (as much as that sounds good right now).

To business though! I think you have the start of a neat concept. Depending on how hands-on you want to get with this project and bringing your vision to life, I'm wondering if you'd be able to find a drafting or CAD class in your area or maybe even online. Even if you take someone's offer to help you with the technical aspects, if may be beneficial for you to be familiar with the lingo so that you can "speak the same language" when it comes to the technical aspects of the design. You'll probably also have to give each other enough leniency to reach compromises on things. As an engineer, I run into things all the time where someone will ask me/us, "Well, what if I did this..." and we have to practically shout, "NO! YOU'LL BLOW SOMETHING UP!" As the saying goes, "We made it foolproof, but then invented better fools." Please don't misunderstand me: I'm not calling you a fool. I'm pointing out that people's perceptions of what's technically possible often are far removed from reality and everyone involved needs to come together to work out the best solutions forward.

Well, I'm a theoretical (emphasis here-if you ask me about forces within a case, I won't respond) physics student and at best a kinda crappy computer scientist, so I'm an idiot when it comes to CAD ;). My PC experience was learned in high school and I took some online classes to get a certification, so now I can do IT (-ish)!

I've played my hand that I'm in engineering so on behalf of engineers, I offer a half-hearted apology for any persecution you, as a theoretical physicist, may have suffered at the hands of derisive mechanical engineers. I also offer a half-hearted apology for any persecution you, as a computer scientist, may have suffered at the hands of derisive computer engineers. Don't feel too badly though: no one seems to hate engineers more than other engineers in other disciplines.

Josh | NFC

Not From Concentrate
NFC Systems
Jun 12, 2015
Hi, Christian!

I'm super happy you wanting to follow your dream of being a computer chassis maker/seller/entrepreneur.

I don't have much to offer, but I do have some advice--learn how to do what you are asking yourself. You will never be successful in what you want to do without learning as least basically the foundational skills.

I think it is a mistake to get someone to do the CAD work for you at this stage--yes, absolutely, have someone help you with it, but you need to be able to do it on the most basic level. You will never be able to communicate your design effectively if you don't have the language and learning to do so.

If you want to be a rockstar you gotta learn to play the guitar and sing. It's hard, but if you really do have a passion for it persistence will carry you to the end.

Peace and best of luck!!!!!!


Chassis Packer
Original poster
Oct 24, 2018
Welcome! I wish you the best as you start out here. I know that business is built on partnerships so hopefully you can form good ones that can make good things happen for the both of you. I've not been to the Philippines but I know a ton of people who are from there, have gone there, or are Filipino but have been in the States for a couple of generations. One guy in particular has a daughter there. My office is picking up Filipino food for lunch today too... local diner, though, not Jollibee (as much as that sounds good right now).

To business though! I think you have the start of a neat concept. Depending on how hands-on you want to get with this project and bringing your vision to life, I'm wondering if you'd be able to find a drafting or CAD class in your area or maybe even online. Even if you take someone's offer to help you with the technical aspects, if may be beneficial for you to be familiar with the lingo so that you can "speak the same language" when it comes to the technical aspects of the design. You'll probably also have to give each other enough leniency to reach compromises on things. As an engineer, I run into things all the time where someone will ask me/us, "Well, what if I did this..." and we have to practically shout, "NO! YOU'LL BLOW SOMETHING UP!" As the saying goes, "We made it foolproof, but then invented better fools." Please don't misunderstand me: I'm not calling you a fool. I'm pointing out that people's perceptions of what's technically possible often are far removed from reality and everyone involved needs to come together to work out the best solutions forward.

I've played my hand that I'm in engineering so on behalf of engineers, I offer a half-hearted apology for any persecution you, as a theoretical physicist, may have suffered at the hands of derisive mechanical engineers. I also offer a half-hearted apology for any persecution you, as a computer scientist, may have suffered at the hands of derisive computer engineers. Don't feel too badly though: no one seems to hate engineers more than other engineers in other disciplines.

Hi, Christian!

I'm super happy you wanting to follow your dream of being a computer chassis maker/seller/entrepreneur.

I don't have much to offer, but I do have some advice--learn how to do what you are asking yourself. You will never be successful in what you want to do without learning as least basically the foundational skills.

I think it is a mistake to get someone to do the CAD work for you at this stage--yes, absolutely, have someone help you with it, but you need to be able to do it on the most basic level. You will never be able to communicate your design effectively if you don't have the language and learning to do so.

If you want to be a rockstar you gotta learn to play the guitar and sing. It's hard, but if you really do have a passion for it persistence will carry you to the end.

Peace and best of luck!!!!!!

hello thankyou for your feedback! yes i do understand what you said but i have some experience already for CAD work but im not professional . the reason why i wanted to hire someone is to follow my timeline. I'm sorry but i didn't said this but i cant graduate next year if my business will not go live. so now im kinda in a hurry to have a 3d design for my picked manufacturing company to work with it easily and early. I do get it and i agree what your advice because ill do it if i just have enough time. Btw try jollibee its so good if you want a sweet style of taste i could beat the only restaurant here in the PH that could have the potential to beat mcdo PH

Josh | NFC

Not From Concentrate
NFC Systems
Jun 12, 2015
hello thankyou for your feedback! yes i do understand what you said but i have some experience already for CAD work but im not professional . the reason why i wanted to hire someone is to follow my timeline. I'm sorry but i didn't said this but i cant graduate next year if my business will not go live. so now im kinda in a hurry to have a 3d design for my picked manufacturing company to work with it easily and early. I do get it and i agree what your advice because ill do it if i just have enough time. Btw try jollibee its so good if you want a sweet style of taste i could beat the only restaurant here in the PH that could have the potential to beat mcdo PH

Oh ok, I think I understand better. You are looking to take your CAD drawings to engineering level for production. I looked you up and now have seen some of your CAD work and your projects. You have some extremely impressive scratch builds and honestly this community would love to see them!

Maybe if you share some of the conceptual CAD work you have done so people understand what you are trying to accomplish with this you can get more takers to help out. There might even be some manufacturers here that can assist you being that many changes can be made for their machines to reduce cost.

I really hope you can get the help you need to make this real. <3


King of Cable Management
Oct 7, 2018
Hi Christian.

I have a decent amount of experience in prototyping. If you're still in need of someone to take your CAD drawings to production and make a prototype, you can reach out to me and we can make plans to arrange that.



Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
hello thankyou for your feedback! yes i do understand what you said but i have some experience already for CAD work but im not professional . the reason why i wanted to hire someone is to follow my timeline. I'm sorry but i didn't said this but i cant graduate next year if my business will not go live. so now im kinda in a hurry to have a 3d design for my picked manufacturing company to work with it easily and early. I do get it and i agree what your advice because ill do it if i just have enough time. Btw try jollibee its so good if you want a sweet style of taste i could beat the only restaurant here in the PH that could have the potential to beat mcdo PH

I would still be more than happy too, but you could also look to Protocase. Their engineering team would gladly do it. IMHO, that's the route I would take.
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Chassis Packer
Original poster
Oct 24, 2018
Hello sorry for not replying i was just busy because school just started. Anyways bad news. My outsource back out with the project and now I'm contacting protocase. I hope they will be cheap hehe but i guess there a bit expensive than the chinese manufacturers. Hope things will get well . Also i was wondering what shape of the case is good for a premium look. I was going for the shape like the ghost s1. Coz my plan is to have upgradable tops like caselabs did


Chassis Packer
Original poster
Oct 24, 2018
Well, I'm a theoretical (emphasis here-if you ask me about forces within a case, I won't respond) physics student and at best a kinda crappy computer scientist, so I'm an idiot when it comes to CAD ;). My PC experience was learned in high school and I took some online classes to get a certification, so now I can do IT (-ish)!

Hi Christian.

I have a decent amount of experience in prototyping. If you're still in need of someone to take your CAD drawings to production and make a prototype, you can reach out to me and we can make plans to arrange that.


I would still be more than happy too, but you could also look to Protocase. Their engineering team would gladly do it. IMHO, that's the route I would take.

i already contacted protocase and they give me some prices for there services but its cheap but risky since they charge per hr i was hoping if someone could help me with this so there is less work to be made

hello i dont know how to send a private message here in the forums sorry tho i'm still new here hehehe can you sent me an email so we could talk about it. i really do need help would be great if it would be free and if all things go well ill pay you back with a free case. I hope you could understand im still a student hehe but i do negotiate


Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
i already contacted protocase and they give me some prices for there services but its cheap but risky since they charge per hr i was hoping if someone could help me with this so there is less work to be made

hello i dont know how to send a private message here in the forums sorry tho i'm still new here hehehe can you sent me an email so we could talk about it. i really do need help would be great if it would be free and if all things go well ill pay you back with a free case. I hope you could understand im still a student hehe but i do negotiate

I'm going to have to back out, I just picked up two projects with people here. I wish you luck, and cannot wait to see what you create!
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Master of Cramming
Feb 27, 2018
Seeing as the last guy who requested bailed on me, I would be glad to do it for experience. PM me, get my email, and we can talk. I would love to help. I use Fusion360, so i can share the file with you easily.
Ahaha, was it the guy who came on here with no idea about anything to do with cases etc. and basically wanted to be an oem?
Hi Christian.

I have a decent amount of experience in prototyping. If you're still in need of someone to take your CAD drawings to production and make a prototype, you can reach out to me and we can make plans to arrange that.

I'm assuming you're the same velkase who posted about a 4L airflow oriented case on reddit? I'm actually quite curious, especially if it's similar to my prototype/scratch build over here. My main objective was watercooling, but I would love some pointers if you have any ;)

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Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
Ahaha, was it the guy who came on here with no idea about anything to do with cases etc. and basically wanted to be an oem?

I'm assuming you're the same velkase who posted about a 4L airflow oriented case on reddit? I'm actually quite curious, especially if it's similar to my prototype/scratch build over here. My main objective was watercooling, but I would love some pointers if you have any ;)

You got that right. XD
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