Well, the chart still doesn't tell the entire truth since there are so many variables already in something as straightforward as CPU-coolers and delta T can be misinterpreted very easily like we have just seen:
Infographics/"Best of"-charts should be taken with a huge grain of salt since they cut of so much information and recommend products that are more often than not not ideal for the specific use case.
- What height does the heatsink have?
- What height does the heatsink & stock fan have?
- What length and width does the heatsink & stock fan have?
- Are any compatibility problems arising from those dimensions?
- Are there any known work-arounds for incompatibilities on certain boards, in combination with certain dGPUs, RAM or in certain cases?
- How many cooling fins does the heatsink have and what is their spacing?
- What surface area does the heatsink have?
- What material is the heatsink made of?
- What weight does the heatsink & stock fan have?
- Which CPU sockets is the cooler compatible to?
- Can the heatsink be rotated 90° or only 180° on asymmetric socket mounts?
- Are there any known work-arounds in case only 180° rotations are possible?
- Is there a possibility to mount a bigger/smaller, thicker/thinner fan with stock peripherals?
- Are there any known work-arounds in case no suitable peripherals are given?
- What type of fan - high pressure or high airflow - does the design of the heatsink ask for?
- What type of bearing does the stock fan have?
- (Rarely published/tested/known) What do the accoustic spectrum and the deltadB(A)/RPM,deltadB(A)/Q, RPM/Q and P/Q curves of the stock fan look and sound like?
- At the same delta T, what frequency, deltadB(A) and RPM do we look at from the heatsink and stock fan combo compared to other stock configurations and ones with reference fans?
- (Highly dependent from the setup) Does push or pull mode of the stock fan (and one or more reference fans) result in lower delta T?
- What is the build quality and series production variation?
- What is the availability of the cooler?
- What price does the cooler have?
Infographics/"Best of"-charts should be taken with a huge grain of salt since they cut of so much information and recommend products that are more often than not not ideal for the specific use case.