Discussion Lost Windows Product Key? Easy Fix-Problem Solved!


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Nov 30, 2020
I want to share my experience for those who have lost their Windows Product Key. I built 2 pc's over the last few years & the labels I attached to each Windows Product Key to designate which pc it went to came off during a move, anyone in this position knows its not easily retrieved, except for those who are technically advanced. Just recently I found an easy way to retrieve it.

Go to the Microsoft Store & download a free app called 'WinToys'. It's an app that shows you all that's running on your pc instead of going through all the menus and tabs in Windows.

On the Home tab it gives your pc info, System, Processor, Graphics, Memory, Windows, Performance. Clicking the tabs does nothing, but if you hover over the verbiage with your mouse cursor you get info on that tab. Where it says Windows 10 or 11 hover your mouse over the 10 or 11 & your Windows Product Key pops up. I found this by accident & now have my product keys back. Will not pop up if you hover over Windows, has to be 10 or 11.

I want to pass this on & hope some find this helpful...jp