I should have been a little clearer—the render of the G5Mini kit looks to me like it has a mesh/partially transparent top panel. I know that goes against the front-to-back cooling philosophy of the original design, which is why I was curious if it was something that was now being floated or perhaps I’m reading into the pictures too much.
Semi-related, I wonder if a side fan intake over a GPU would add any value. Going from the themes of the GamersNexus case reviews, they can have a big impact on GPU thermals. In cases where there’s adequate airflow from the front/bottom, though, the side intake’s effect isn’t as pronounced and maybe the CX2’s front fans would render a side fan superfluous. As someone who runs case fans in the 30-40% range, a side intake panel would interest me. I’m not sure if it’d have larger market appeal, but there definitely aren’t many modern cases that feature air blowing straight into the graphics card