HZ Mod and YTC both modify the Enhance flex psu so it is modular as well, there is also an option to swap a Noctua fan.this PSU is modular unlike many others, & if you watch the 29 second video, its product label showing a rating of 80 Plus is visible : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000935628975.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.57eb4c4dDkMYxB
I didn't mean to discourage you from testing a new option and sharing with the community, that's always a good thing.
I'm just reminding that there are already known good flex psu suppliers (and the price is pretty similar, my custom Enhance 450W was $115 before shipping and the 600 version was ~$155) and both of those prices include custom length cables.