Cooling Best way to setup 2 AIOs on itx board with 2 headers?


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Apr 5, 2019
Hey guys, my itx mobo has only two fan headers. Id like to install 2 AIOs (clc 120).

Ideally Id need 3 headers in the mobo and 1 in the gpu. So what would be the best way to set that all up?

I was thinking of using a Y spliter for the 2 pumps under the CPU header, one fan to the SYS header and the other fan to the GPU.

Does that make sense?


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Pumps generally pull a lot more power than a standard fan, make sure the motherboard can support the combined amount of the pumps. Usually this is stated in amps (A). Because you might destroy something if it is exceeding specification.