Motherboard ASRock Deskmeet B660 Motherboard - 13700KF Support


Efficiency Noob
Original poster
Mar 30, 2021
Does anyone know if the motherboard in the B660 Deskmeet works with the 13700KF, or any other *KF SKUs? (It is not listed in the published support list, but the normal '125W' *K SKUs are.)


Airflow Optimizer
Dec 31, 2017
I would think it not a problem as 11.01 supports 14th gen so the microcode must be in 9.04 and 11.01 but no one but Asrock and a user wasting this much money on an old processor for a machine with such a low-tech board (DTX) with no 3.2 gen 2 and DDR 5 capability and a low-class PS. (ChannelWell Technology??? 500w bronze) WOULD KNOW FOR SURE.
BTW the board is only rated up to 65-watt TDP processors. SDD.NETWORK ARTICLE DESKMEET