3D printed PC case


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
I was thinking that too on the first look, but that's because the popular brands use sharp, seemingly random polygonal designs as if it is the only way to fly. Often with black and red color schemes too. But that doesn't mean this project will be like those mass-produced space wasters, I see this have a lot of potential.

I'm interested how you'll be turning this shape into an enclosure.


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2017
Thanks for your opinions guys. I don't wanna go too gamery but on the other hand I did find any minimalistic design that would stand up from the crowd of cases available on the market. I'll keep looking though. The advantage of the 3D printing is that I can release the case and then 2-3 months from that release another one. No need to wait for tooling etc.

I've been trying to simplify the design a bit and that's what I have now. Light grey surfaces would be made out of brushed aluminium while black surfaces in between would be 3D printed.



Chassis Packer
Feb 5, 2017
Is that a side window panel? Those are scarce on small itx cases, me likey.

This would look very good in bead blasting for the aluminum, black tempered glass assuming that is indeed a window and matte black textured for the 3D printed parts.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2017
My initial idea was to print a grill pattern but putting black tempered glass there sounds even better! Bead blasting the aluminum is also a great thought.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2017
@GreatestUnKnown is right. Currently the case can accomodate mITX motherboard with CPU cooler up to 50mm in height (is it worth extending the height above that value?), SFX - L PSU and full sized Graphics Card (2-slots, 312 x 150 mm footprint) to fit even EVGA 1080 CLASSIFIED.

I haven't been searching for PCIe risers yet. Are there any off-the-shelf raisers long enough to support CPU and GPU facing the same direction? I've been trying to save some space inside the case and an idea popped up in my mind to use the fact that GPUs are only 34mm thick while PSUs are 63.5 mm thick. Take a look on the models below. The second version is slimmer below the GPU. If I won't find good enough PCIe riser and I'll have to face CPU and GPU opposites directions this version provides excellent airflow for GPU. It also saves more or less 1l of volume. Which version do you prefer?

Flat rear panel:

Slim rear panel:

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FlexATX Authority
Feb 28, 2015
I meant to post it here before but I forgot.

This is a very good example of a 3D printed case that I saw on reddit.

It's also a very good example of how expensive 3D printing can get. Makirole has a buildlog for this on OCN, IIRC each sidepanel was over 100 bucks, and the structure of the case is milled acrylic anyway, so it doesn't say much about the structural qualities of printed pieces.


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2017
That case looks awesome. They've chosen an expensive technology to print it though. The technology I'm using is roughly 5 times less expensive.

BTW I wasn't very active last few weeks but project is going forward. I'm busy printing prototypes and testing a couple different designs.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Mar 2, 2017
It's been quite a while since my last post but I'd like to give you a follow up on the project. After all I've decided that my last design has been looking too gamery. Minimalistic cases seem to get more attention these days. I've also decided to switch from console-style case to sandwitch type one. Last few weeks I was printing different designs to see which one could be printed efficiently at scale. Current design is made entirely out of 3D printed parts. Half of the case would be coated with matte black paint while another half would be coated with glossy black paint. Thickness of the case is higher than Dan's case to fit two 2.5" drives between PSU and GPU. It would also allow user to use higher CPU coolers and fit 120mm fan below PSU. What do you think?


Tobias Claren

Minimal Tinkerer
Jul 22, 2018

I think "DAN 4A" is very expensive.
And It need a "SFX" power supply.

There are 1009 results for "computer case" on Thingiverse.
Perhaps more with different search terms.

EM-shielding is not a problem?
EM shielding by glueing aluminium foil at the inner surfaces?

If you have a radio amateur as a neighbor, and that bothers him, he can notify the authority for radio, and u get in trouble.
The operation of the device is immediately prohibited by the officials.

A PC user had left his PC open, and a neighbor (radio amateur) called the authority.
True story from Germany.

What would be the printing costs of a Case only?
With own 3D printer, or a 3D printer in the city library (free usable)...

"finish quality"?
Not every person needs a "perfect" smooth etc. surface.
Also not faked metal etc..

My wish, the smallest possible case for ATX power supply, 980Ti (and similar long).
And perhaps a "ruggedized" version with a handle.
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