if you have a Partaker B18 mini-PC, Intel 9th or 10th Gen [ https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001164528072.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.46603c00ugB2SB&mp=1 ] ,this 2.65 litres case is available, and will allow you to use a low-profile GPU.
external PSU will be recommended, based on Intel processor. M.2 to PCIe adapter and M.2 SSD storage is required.
approximate dimensions are 222mm X 173mm X 69mm, design credit to NFC Systems.
external PSU will be recommended, based on Intel processor. M.2 to PCIe adapter and M.2 SSD storage is required.
approximate dimensions are 222mm X 173mm X 69mm, design credit to NFC Systems.
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