
  1. S

    Custom USB 3.1 Cable Resources

    I've always been a huge fan of more ruggedized connector offerings. As a novelty side-project I've decided to build some of my own USB cables for use with my peripherals, but I decided building a generic USB 2.0 cable (480 Mbps) was too easy and boring (and also is something I've done before...
  2. timginter

    Custom case question - mesh panel design to minimise interference

    Does anyone know if mesh panels need specific "hole" sizes and if mesh panels help with interference? I have a custom portable PC but interference is really bad. From my tests it looks like the GPU...
  3. aromachi

    Enclosure 9L Acrylic PC Case

    Hello fellow Cable-Tie Ninjas. After successfully designing and building my own acrylic case, I've been looking for other challenges to continue building my CAD skills. I ran across this thread a couple months ago and noticed several people were interested in the case designs. Sadly it looks...
  4. Tyzam1

    Concept Conduit Z: 10.2L Configurable ITX Chassis

    Conduit Z: 10.2L Configurable ITX Chassis Custom water-cooled chassis with hardline tubing and custom distribution plates. STATUS: Design complete & ready to order. Troubleshooting electrical compatibility. High 3080 transient load causes OCP to trip on 7660b. Specs & Overview: Status...
  5. aromachi

    Log 5L Time Slayer

    Time to build a new case for my gaming setup. Doing this purely for fun. My previous attempt at a case was using a full-size power supply and I got it to 8.9L. Been looking for a decent flex psu for about a year, and now that I finally have one my brain has gone into full design-mode. After a...
  6. aromachi

    Built from scratch case: sub 9L

    Started my quest by twisting some wire fencing together to form some wire "rods" and JB welding them into a frame. I liked the result, but it needed some refining.. and I wanted to go SMALLER. Bought some 1/2" aluminum angle rods from Lowes and started putting together a frame with more or less...

    [SFFTEC] Enhance ENP 7660B Pro (Limited Edition): Custom 600w Flex ATX PSU

    Enhance ENP 7660B Pro is a custom 600w Flex ATX power supply developed by SFFTEC. This powerful 80+ Platinum PSU is manufactured and customized by Enhance with a quiet fan, black short cables, and dark body. It fits neatly in most SFF PC cases, and will have a very limited stock Lead time: June...
  8. Serf1r

    Production CASEKRAKEN NEX X2

    That's cheap SFF case from 1.5mm powder coated steel. Hello guys We have developed a cheap, high-quality and roomy computer case Introducing to you... CASEKRAKEN NEX X2! Price - 100$ + shipping from Russia + Riser Li-Heat (35$) Tech Specs Riser - Li-Heat (+35$) Size - 33 × 16 × 21 cm...
  9. C

    Prototype Diy Laptop build.

    Hello there, so I have been working on a project that is somewhat of a laptop but not really , more of a ultra portable desktop Lantop? Any ways I originally posted this on the LTT forums link here So the idea was to make a...
  10. M

    Concept ~10l Case w/ 240/280 AIO (Custom/Suggestion)

    Hey guys, I'm new in this forum and in general kind of new to SFF, so please excuse me if some questions might seem kind of obvious or stupid to some of you. So to my question. I am looking for a small case around 10l (cause I study abroad and like to take it with me in the train.) The...
  11. E

    Custom Streacom F1C SW Top Lid?

    Hey guys! I've been planning out a new build and I've been seeing quite a few users with custom lids for the F1C SW, namely and The question is, did these people make these? I'm struggling to find anything online for "custom...
  12. C

    Completed Sleek 8.7liter case w/ 8700k & Titan X

    Hello everyone! I recently built my first SFF computer case from scratch. But because Im lazy please read my post over at the LTT Forum if you got the time: Some images of the completed case...
  13. Drue

    Power Supply Making PSU cables

    I am currently waiting for the C4-SFX, and I know cable length is a big problem when dealing with sff cases. I really want to make my own custom cables, but from the research I've done make it seem very intimidating. I wanted to ask if there any good videos that I am missing. I would be using...
  14. dan1337

    h55 fits in Hadron Air with no mods

    Hi all, just to let you guys know that a h55 aio fits the hadron air if you use a 12mm scythe fan. I scrapped this build because of the bloody psu jet turbine for a sg05 which you can fit a g12 bracket and a h55 with push pull. I am returning the sg05, it looks and feels cheap also...
  15. Mortis Angelus

    Repurposing a Dell Optiplex SX270

    My daytime work is being a Laboratory Engineer in Protein Engineering and Research. As is common for work places like mine, the turnover of computers is pretty high. There are always old computers being thrown away. Last week we had a spring cleaning day, and in the electronics garbage, I...
  16. BryceK

    Custom Watercooling Radiator / Block

    Hi Guys, So I want to get a custom Radiator made for watercooling and a GPU specific block. Does anyone know a company that specializes in this? Cheers
  17. Mortis Angelus

    Project HoRizen GTXbox - Worlds most versatile Xbox Original

    I have finally reached the state in my project of converting an original Xbox into a mITX PC that I am confident enough to start showing off a build log! In this first post I will show some images of which state I am in now, and also tell the background for the project and my personal criteria...
  18. Nocturnize

    Front Panel IO idea and questions

    A certain Dell tower pc catched my eye a few months ago, not because of it's specs or it's price, but because of it's front panel IO (weird, I know). Anyways, I promised myself I would take upon the challenge of laying out the groundwork for a custom front panel like this and include it in...
  19. thewizzard1

    Concept Interest Survey - MXM Heatsink Adapter

    Just a quick interest check - I have a business friend who is getting frisky with a milling machine, and I'm in need of one of these... Might as well make a model, and have him CNC it up in copper or aluminum. I'm designing a plate which adapts an MXM card (85x105mm 1070 in mind, but...
  20. Lee.III.Will

    Streacom DB4 - Clean & Simple

    Hello SFF community, I've had my Streacom DB4 in its current state for about 7-8 months now and figured it was about time to share progress and my experience! I set my expectations for this build pretty high and, so far, I've yet to be let down! This setup needed to cover quite a few bases...