
Metal Jesus Rocks Reviews Ace Magician AMR5 AMD Ryzen 5 Mini-PC

Image Credit – MetalJesusRocks


Metal Jesus Rocks is not someone I typically turn to for SFF news, however he takes a nice look at the Ace Magician AMR5. This little Ryzen 5 5600U PC can be purchased for less than four hundred dollars depending on sales, and can provide some good results at 1080P at low to medium settings. It also performs well at emulation.  Check out his review below, and make sure you subscribe.





Image Credit – MetalJesusRocks
Metal Jesus Rocks is not someone I typically turn to for SFF news, however he takes a nice look at the Ace Magician AMR5. This little Ryzen 5 5600U PC can be purchased for less than four hundred dollars depending on sales, and can provide some good results at 1080P at low to medium settings. It also performs well at emulation.  Check out his review below, and make sure you subscribe.


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