
Densium Production Ahead of Schedule

Image Credit – Densium –


Densium announced that production is ahead of schedule on the upcoming revision of the Densium 4 and 4+.  This was actually announced on August 2nd, however I wasn’t able to post about it until today due to being run over by some sort of flu.

August 2nd (2022)

Hello everyone. I haven’t checked the comments here in a little while, my apologies.

I’m actually here to share some good news :)

The cases were supposed to ship by the end of August, but we’re way ahead of schedule. All the cases are now being assembled, and will be packaged this week. This means they might reach the fulfillment-center by the end of the week, or early the week after. My warehouse staff have quite many orders to fulfill, so I ask you to please be patient with fulfillment times, we’ll get them out the door as quickly as possible.

Also I’ve just recieved samples of the final product with the USB-C and other minor changes. I’ll now start the photography process, and also I’ll make a new video assembly that will serve as the user manual. When all this is done I’ll update it to the product page!

Take care,


Being ahead of schedule is great news, and a welcome change from the current state of PC hardware industry which is riddled with delays. Currently, I’m working on a retro Windows XP build using a Densium case, but our own Kaji has put together a spectacular build of his Densium unit. You can see it on our Discord, and I believe he has an upcoming article.

Visit the SFFN Discord with a dedicated Densium chat by CLICKING HERE.

Check out the SFFN Densium Thread by CLICKING HERE.

Visit the Official Densium Website by CLICKING HERE.



All images in this article are credited to Densium.

Image Credit – Densium –
Densium announced that production is ahead of schedule on the upcoming revision of the Densium 4 and 4+.  This was actually announced on August 2nd, however I wasn’t able to post about it until today due to being run over by some sort of flu.
August 2nd (2022)
Hello everyone. I haven’t checked the comments here in a little while, my apologies.
I’m actually here to share some good news 
The cases were supposed to ship by the end of August, but we’re way ahead of schedule. All the cases are now being assembled, and will be packaged this week. This means they might reach the fulfillment-center by the end of the week, or early the week after. My...

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