You can use Thaiphoon Burner to find out more about what you've got.
Cool. Didn't know this existed.
This can't be right? Samsung B-die?
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You can use Thaiphoon Burner to find out more about what you've got.
Can someone please translate this for me? --> (18-19-19-19-39-58, at 1.35v, 3200mhz)
I forget, which die do these use? If unknown, run thaiphoon burner, though do note that it's not always accurate due to occasional incorrect coding of ID on chip.Can someone please translate this for me? --> (18-19-19-19-39-58, at 1.35v, 3200mhz)
I am trying to get this 2x8GB of purple ADATA PC DDR4 2666MHz VLP-RAM to 3200 MHz;
- I understand that 1.35v is the over-clocked DRAM Voltage.
- I understand that 3200 MHz is the over-clocked DRAM speed that will be achieved.
- I have a vague idea, but I don't understand exactly what (18-19-19-19-39-58) is?
Thanks for the translation!! I tried; tCL=18, tRCDWR=19, tRCDRD=19, tRP=19, tRAS=39, tRC=58, DRAM Voltage1.35V, for a target speed of 3200 MHz. But I still cannot get 3200 MHz. Instead it still seems to be at the stock speed of 2666 MHz (1330.6 x2).I forget, which die do these use? If unknown, run thaiphoon burner, though do note that it's not always accurate due to occasional incorrect coding of ID on chip.
Once you discover the die, use ryzen dram calculator to get a settings needed, try safe first then fast if stable.
Those figures you mention are timings and refer to latency of data access. Read more about this here.
Best to my knowledge is Micron MTA9ADF1G72AZ-3G2E1 with D9WFL (e-die) ICs though it's quite a bit more expensive per GB than going with the 16GB modules.Could some1 recommend me a good (may be even best) 8GB VLP sticks? Dual ranked if possible ;-) AMD 3600 non X. Cheers
I was planning to build just 1 mini PC but my brother decided that he wants one also.
Yea, and depending where you live, it might be just as cheap buying from Europe/US as more retailers have started to sell both these modules.Wow it is very expensive indeed compared to 16GB micron sticks. They cost almost the same ouch. Found only 2 sellers at TaoBao that offer 8GB modules for 430ish yuan. And 16GB modules with confirmed E-die is only 550ish YuanDang those prices. Should be like 500Y for both 8GB to be worth it hehehe
Yes, I'm currently running these exact modules with an Asus b450-i strix, 2700 and Black Ridge v2.Hey guys, im thinking of purchasing a DAN A4 and looking into the BLv2 low profile cooler. As most of you most likely know, using VLP memory gives you the option to use that CPU cooler with a 120mm fan instead of a 92 mm one.
Can someone verify if two of these will work fine with my current setup and future setup?
RAM: 2 x Micron MTA18ADF2G72AZ-3G2E1
Current setup:
Mobo: ASUS B450i Strix
CPU: AMD 2700 (non X)
Future setup:
Mobo: Gigabyte B550i Pro
CPU: 5600X, 5800X or 5900X - haven't decided yet.
If not, could you guys point me into the direction which modules are best and available?
Yes, I'm currently running these exact modules with an Asus b450-i strix, 2700 and Black Ridge v2.
I'm yet to fit the 120mm fan as I want to benchmark the difference but others have commented that it fits just fine.
You will need to remove the m.2 heatsink for the Black Ridge to fit though. That said, with a 120mm fan beating down on it, I don't think it will matter much.
Ideally you want the D9WFL e-die ICs. CCL told me this item is stored in a warehouse they don't have access to so they can't tell me what IC their batch has.
So a bit of a lottery buying from here. Only confirmed way to get e-die is via Taobao seller linked earlier in this thread.
First time we ordered, TaoBao sellers told us on Aliwangwang that he had they had same exact reference as in the product pictures, we trusted them. Turned out to be Micron D-die with D9TZV chips. I sent them back to my seller for a refund.Thanks for your reply! Did not expect an answer this quick alreadyWhat speed and timings are you running your set at currently?
Did you order yours from Taobao, or tried the lottery?
First time we ordered, TaoBao sellers told us on Aliwangwang that he had they had same exact reference as in the product pictures, we trusted them. Turned out to be Micron D-die with D9TZV chips. I sent them back to my seller for a refund.
Waited one month when I got a message that the same seller had a D9WFL batch. I placed a order and it was the good one (photos from my warehouse). Still waiting for my parcel to arrive to Reunion, it might be floating in the air above the Indian ocean "parcel sent out to airline... since 15 days" But with covid restrictions and christmas/black friday crazyness it might take a few more weeks !
You're welcome. I've not tried any OC on my RAM yet as I've been super busy with study and life in general. The new rig is sat on my desk unsused as I've only recently installed Windows 10 LTSC since I went down a rabbit hole of finding a right (and clean) ISO and ridding the OS of all Microsoft telemetry. Next I need to decide on a suite of benchmark tests as I'd like to properly test the difference of 92mm vs 120mm fan and heatspreaders on the VLP RAM.Thanks for your reply! Did not expect an answer this quick alreadyWhat speed and timings are you running your set at currently?
Did you order yours from Taobao, or tried the lottery?
You're welcome. I've not tried any OC on my RAM yet as I've been super busy with study and life in general. The new rig is sat on my desk unsused as I've only recently installed Windows 10 LTSC since I went down a rabbit hole of finding a right (and clean) ISO and ridding the OS of all Microsoft telemetry. Next I need to decide on a suite of benchmark tests as I'd like to properly test the difference of 92mm vs 120mm fan and heatspreaders on the VLP RAM.
I can't say exactly how much better the e-die will perform over d-die but the resultant performance increase over most tasks will be negligible. I'd certainly rather e-die since the 3600 MHz 1:1 with IF will be more easily achieved with the weaker memory controller of Ryzen+ compared to Ryzen 2 or 3 but honestly, you're looking at a difference of 1 or 2 FPS in games.
TLDR: If you can get guaranteed e-die for the same or less money delivered, do it. If postage of e-die is considerably higher then maybe have a think if that money might be better spent on a GPU/CPU.
If you're not at all bothered with pushing RAM clocks then you'll be fine with either. These are the same dies as used in performance 'gaming' kits though perhaps slightly lower binned but I don't have any inner knowledge of how Micron bin their ICs. The lower clocks and timings are to allow stability at lower voltages because lower voltage = lower electricity bills. Not important when you're running 2 sticks but if you have a datacentre with several hundred modules then that 0.2 V per stick really adds up.I think in general I'm not eager to hit the 3600 Mhz with the lowest timings, but for me most important is if they will even work in general with Ryzen (2700 or 5xxx gen). Increasing the speed and timings a bit would be nice, because better numbers = goodness, but not mandatory.
Apart from lower speed and timings, is there more to be aware of? For example this memory does not support XMP or something right ?
I've just scanned this article a bit and the conclusion is basically when GPU is not the bottleneck, which at my resolution it most likely will be (3440x1440 100hz) the fps increase of the correct set of memory is not worth it. Do you agree?
You're welcome. I've not tried any OC on my RAM yet as I've been super busy with study and life in general. The new rig is sat on my desk unsused as I've only recently installed Windows 10 LTSC since I went down a rabbit hole of finding a right (and clean) ISO and ridding the OS of all Microsoft telemetry. Next I need to decide on a suite of benchmark tests as I'd like to properly test the difference of 92mm vs 120mm fan and heatspreaders on the VLP RAM.
Hey. Yea, I have heard of this tool. To my knowledge it just provides a GUI to enable/disable reg edits and group policies. Win 10 telemetry is somewhat more pervasive than this app is equipped to deal with.Hey have you tried "O&O Shutup"? It is a free software and it is really good for dealing with all that Win10 telemetry bullshit. There are tons of settings to choose from and even text explanation on every box you might want to tick - I found it very easy to use. You can also find quiet a lot of youtube videos on that as well. And O&O does not even need to be a background process to function. It only alters windows settings once and then you can even uninstall it if you want to. The only downside that I found is that you may need to reapply your saved settings once you get another windows update. And yeah you can also save your prefered setting in a file and then just reapply if you ever need to do it.
don't know if this the level of details you want, but here is a really good article about: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About SDRAM (Memory): But Were Afraid to AskCan someone please translate this for me? --> (18-19-19-19-39-58, at 1.35v, 3200mhz)
I am trying to get this 2x8GB of purple ADATA PC DDR4 2666MHz VLP-RAM to 3200 MHz;
- I understand that 1.35v is the over-clocked DRAM Voltage.
- I understand that 3200 MHz is the over-clocked DRAM speed that will be achieved.
- I have a vague idea, but I don't understand exactly what (18-19-19-19-39-58) is?
If you're not at all bothered with pushing RAM clocks then you'll be fine with either. These are the same dies as used in performance 'gaming' kits though perhaps slightly lower binned but I don't have any inner knowledge of how Micron bin their ICs. The lower clocks and timings are to allow stability at lower voltages because lower voltage = lower electricity bills. Not important when you're running 2 sticks but if you have a datacentre with several hundred modules then that 0.2 V per stick really adds up.
AMD have always been good about allowing ECC RAM to function with their CPUs and this hasn't changed with Ryzen 1-3 though non-Pro APUs do not support ECC. Motherboard support will vary however and some will run ECC RAM in non-ECC mode while some have an explicit option in BIOS and I believe some don't like it at all or lock it at 2400 MHz (I'm looking at you MSI).
You're not gonna get XMP on these sticks no, though for Ryzen, you don't really want to be using that anyway, you can almost always get better results by doing a manual OC.
Is there a reason you can't/won't buy the e-die from Taobao?