Fire MI-6 SFF Ryzen Build
Alright, build is done although I haven't run memtest or performed any benches in Linux yet as I haven't installed.
Gigabyte Aorous X570I
Ryzen 7 3700X
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB, 3200MHz (B-Die Version, will try for CL14)
Samsung 970 Pro 500 GB
Samsung 970 EVO 500 GB
Corsair SF450W
Noctua NH-L12S
Noctua NF-A9x14 intake fan
Couple of build notes:
I'll generate a build thread here and reddit probably next week. @firewolfy , is the MI-6 on pcpartpicker? If so, I'll update my build on there and make it public also. I clearly need to look into how to embed the imgur shots too.
- Installing PSU first would have been wise as the NH-L12S overhangs the board in the installed orientation and contacted the PSU during installation. I'm thinking it didn't end up messing with the mount based on idle temperatures but I have my eye on it.
- NH-L12S does contact the sidepanel and cause a slight bulge (about .5-1.0 mm) as expected. I didn't try to bend the heatpipes before installation.
- A custom 24 pin cable would go a LONG way towards cleaning up the wiring. The 8 pin and PCIe 6+2 didn't have a ton of extra cable to deal with.
- Case quality is fantastic and was smooth and easy for my first SFF build (not sure if my old PC-V351B is > or < 20L but it was essentially SFF before that was much of a thing). Took about 2 hours, much of that being me taking time to ensure I installed the CPU and HSF correctly (didn't want to destroy the CPU by accident).
- Just enough places for zipties given that my build didn't have any 2.5" drives.
- I'd look to get a custom cable for SATA drives if I ever add 1x or 2x 2.5" drives to avoid having excess cable inside the case.
- So far X570I chipset fan is inaudible from 3 feet (as is the entire case) while sitting at idle for 4 hours. I'll post some temps/benchmark stuff once I have time to install Linux over the next week. I'm hoping the RdRand BIOS fixes get pushed out this week so I can jump straight to Ubuntu 19.04 instead of 18.04 LTS. I may just go ahead and use 18.04 for benchmark/stability tests and then repeat once 19.10 comes out as I need to start migrating files from my old Windows 7 machine.
I have a CCD MI-6 second edition and after some months (finally) i'm starting to move my system to the case but I've have a doubt.
I want to change my 2 SSDs to 1 M.2 SSD but I'm afraid of the temperatures (the M.2 it is placed under the board Gigabyte Z170N-WIFI, so it will be between the board and the 1060).
Anyone with a similar setup?
How it behave in terms of temperature?
LOL, I noticed. Thanks man
Will any generic heatsink off eBay fit between mobo and GPU ?I have the same motherboard and the I am using a MyDigitalSSD which uses the Phison controller which run very hot. I installed a heatsink and had the bottom fan as intake, lowered temps 10 - 15C. Make sure you have a fan at the bottom, the heatsinks don't help if there is no air movement.
10 degrees lower just with a heatsink? I already have the intake fan so I might install a heatsink just for peace of mind.
Ps: hope the NH l12s will fit with minimal design tolerances ?
I have something like this on my rear mounter m.2 and it fits. You could probably fit something a bit thicker though and it should still fit.Will any generic heatsink off eBay fit between mobo and GPU ?
Supposedly they won't add it because it isn't available through any known retail website, which they need for their pricing info and charts and such.Sorry, the case isn't on pcpartpicker.
--I did see your MI-6 build on Imgur the other day tho! That was great.
In my Intel rig the L12S touches but does not bulge the side panel. Does your side panel still light up with top plate?
I ask because I might be imagining shoving a 16 Core R9-3900X and 2080 mini whenever it comes out into a build.
Will any generic heatsink off eBay fit between mobo and GPU ?
I used this one off of Moddiy, bought this back before EK and others started to make them. It is 3mm and not had a problem with clearance.
What temperature improvement do you get before & after?
I was sold on the NH l12s because of the sound performance over NH l9 65. Nhl9 65 gets rather noisy at peak. But from what I been reading in the forum the NH l12s fits flawlessly, if anything it prevents bend of the u shape cover ?You may want to consider selling the NH-L12s and get NH-L9x65.
Also, we always love build logs & pics!