Fire MI-6 SFF Ryzen Build
Alright, build is done although I haven't run memtest or performed any benches in Linux yet as I haven't installed.
Gigabyte Aorous X570I
Ryzen 7 3700X
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB, 3200MHz (B-Die Version, will try for CL14)
Samsung 970 Pro 500 GB
Samsung 970 EVO 500 GB
Corsair SF450W
Noctua NH-L12S
Noctua NF-A9x14 intake fan
Couple of build notes:
- Installing PSU first would have been wise as the NH-L12S overhangs the board in the installed orientation and contacted the PSU during installation. I'm thinking it didn't end up messing with the mount based on idle temperatures but I have my eye on it.
- NH-L12S does contact the sidepanel and cause a slight bulge (about .5-1.0 mm) as expected. I didn't try to bend the heatpipes before installation.
- A custom 24 pin cable would go a LONG way towards cleaning up the wiring. The 8 pin and PCIe 6+2 didn't have a ton of extra cable to deal with.
- Case quality is fantastic and was smooth and easy for my first SFF build (not sure if my old PC-V351B is > or < 20L but it was essentially SFF before that was much of a thing). Took about 2 hours, much of that being me taking time to ensure I installed the CPU and HSF correctly (didn't want to destroy the CPU by accident).
- Just enough places for zipties given that my build didn't have any 2.5" drives.
- I'd look to get a custom cable for SATA drives if I ever add 1x or 2x 2.5" drives to avoid having excess cable inside the case.
- So far X570I chipset fan is inaudible from 3 feet (as is the entire case) while sitting at idle for 4 hours. I'll post some temps/benchmark stuff once I have time to install Linux over the next week. I'm hoping the RdRand BIOS fixes get pushed out this week so I can jump straight to Ubuntu 19.04 instead of 18.04 LTS. I may just go ahead and use 18.04 for benchmark/stability tests and then repeat once 19.10 comes out as I need to start migrating files from my old Windows 7 machine.
I'll generate a build thread here and reddit probably next week.
@firewolfy , is the MI-6 on pcpartpicker? If so, I'll update my build on there and make it public also. I clearly need to look into how to embed the imgur shots too.