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Trash Compacter
Original poster
Jun 19, 2018
Is there a thread or better a gallery where we could see the phase and photo of all the currently active cases?

It's impossibly stupid to go through all the open threads to look for a case we might be interested.

One place where we could look at single photo of a case with current status and link to particular thread for more details would be very useful.
Does it exist?
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Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
While I see that it would be a more fun experience, many of these case projects are very limited in availability and not just quantity. Some have batches available once or twice a year, some have a single run, some have limited stock in retail, but most projects never even reach these stages.

SFF cases also demand that you do the research to know if it will fit and is thermally supported. Making it easier to pick and buy would mean a lot of people would buy on a whim or on looks, while not realising the physical limits.

If you want to look at the more popular choices that are available right now you can search by tag "Production" which means the case is in production (still):

Or look at the trending topics:
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Trash Compacter
Original poster
Jun 19, 2018
I got your point but hope you got mine as well. That may be more important to try bring more focus on creators and drive greater interest to their projects and to your network.

At least in my case, I give up before I even begin to search because of vast number of active threads. It's slow and boring process to dig through threads, I hate it so I don't do it.
I bought Sentry 2.0 only because I saw it on google images which brought me to this forum.

I'll get interested in a case by the looks first, then I look for other details.

What I'm saying here is that all those cases should be presented in a much, much, much better way!
Have some sort of digest page with photo, current stage and couple of most important details that all thread starters should fill in one to two minutes tops.

What you're doing here is great, it's just the presentation that hasn't moved since the first version of message boards in 1990s.
This is so ancient.

Understanding this problem is a good start, hope you see things the way I do as I'm sure this is the future (sadly not the present).
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