Prebuilt [SFFn] ASRock's DeskMini A300 - Finally!


Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
@Crackong Please, could you run the valley benchmark? I hope 4750G's GFX Power ist a bit more than 2400G/4650G.

Would it be possible to post UNINGINE Valley benchmark results?

Quality: Low
Stereo 3D: Disabled
Monitors: Single
Anti-aliasing: Off
Full Screen: Yes
Resolution: 1920x1080

I'm a casual player. Productivity is more needed than gaming, but gaming would be a nice to have upgrade :)

Thank you :)


Chassis Packer
Aug 4, 2018
@Crackong Please, could you run the valley benchmark? I hope 4750G's GFX Power ist a bit more than 2400G/4650G.

I am sry I can't run Vallery anytime soon, since my A300 is mainly for ESXi application, it is up and running in my office. ?

I ran 3DMark Timespy and Firestrike for benchmark, also RE2 Remake for real gaming.
Results are here (4750G at TOP , 2400G at bottom)

Roughly 16% performance > 2400G

Hope this helps.



Gaming Test using RE2 Remake

Resolution : 1280x720
Quality Setting: Performance


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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
is that which agesa ?

@Crackong thank you very much for your testing. The CPU (4750) is very strong - see TimeSpy, middle column 25fps vs 11fps - we don't want this (as we know the better performance)
What I would like to focus on (also using Valley) is the left column, Gfx Score:
TimeSpy: 8.29fps vs 7.10 ... so overall u mean 1245 pts vs 1072pts == 16% increase
Same for FireStrike: 3977 vs 3414 == also about 16%

So Valley should give 45fps + (16% = 7,2fps) => ~52fps . would be interested in verifying that. I think I will go with 4750G. :)
CSGO should climb from 82.41fps to (16% = 13fps) => ~95fps

GTA V should go from for scenes(1-5, averages) 43fps / 45.5fps / 43.66fps / 43.86fps / 44.90fps accordingly (intergrated benchmark)
The 5 scenes of GTA V benchmark averages to 44.18fps which would go (+16%) to 51,25fps which I image noticable.
Running now, GTA V reports 96.23% to 99.76% of the frames being rendered under 33ms (which suits for 30fps / 30Hz monitor resolution)
And 0.00% to 1.59% of the frames being rendered under 16 ms (suitable for 60fps gameplay) XD

PS: Looked up older GTA V benchmark results from that folder. CL16 RAM (me now @CL18) led to averages around 50fps so, yea. Vega loves memory.

@Crackong sorry to bother you again, would like to share you memory timings? :)

Did I tell you, all tests running at FullHD, 144Hz, VSync off... 144Hz I'm laughing my a*s off :D
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Aug 11, 2020
While it is true the file has been modified on the 1st if january. It seems like it has been created on the 13/08/2020.
So the creation date is after the modification date ?
Well, let's wait for a brave explorer (or a release note).
3.62 is an very old AMD Combo 10001 . very old bios not actual
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
Futher regarding 4000 Series, and our two+ members, who have it. I would like to know, how behaves your SoC VID when Vega gets used.
Is there a voltage drop? and is it noticable (lets say >500mV) :) Thank you in advance.
Maybe we could push our RAM to higherr freqs. Then I would leave the CL18 timing as it is.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Aug 11, 2020
@Crackong Please, could you run the valley benchmark? I hope 4750G's GFX Power ist a bit more than 2400G/4650G.

Would it be possible to post UNINGINE Valley benchmark results?

Quality: Low
Stereo 3D: Disabled
Monitors: Single
Anti-aliasing: Off
Full Screen: Yes
Resolution: 1920x1080

I'm a casual player. Productivity is more needed than gaming, but gaming would be a nice to have upgrade :)

Thank you :)
faster 5 % - 25 % maybe at graphics. buy goog ram have more preformance


Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
Yes, I'd like to get rid of the 'maybe' as I'm looking at this as an option to proceed an upgrade with :)

I do have the G.Skill, which is talked about here. Prior to finding sff and becoming a member of it's community :)
Theese are the 3200 XMP Modules at 18-18-18-43 / 2x 8GB.
(Able to lower to 16-17-17-34, still staying at 1.20V DDR, running Ryzen 2400G - but I assume it will impove given the upgraded memory controller of the 4000G Series. On the other hand, I'm able to stay @XMPTimings and leverage the Bandwidth to like 3333-3466MHz but the APU becomes unstable. So the memory should be good enough)

There is no good guide for SO-DIMM modules and the Chips soldered on them.
This particular G.Skill is "H5AN8G8NCJR-UHC", recognized as Hynix, "8 Gb C-die (Alius / 18 nm) / 1 die "
The G.Skill 3000 XMP Modules use also the same Hynicx DIEs.

You may also check this post from Weekly_Cow using Samsung C-DIEs on 2666MHz rated modules. Clear success. 3600@CL18 would be amaizing.

@Weekly_Cow speaking of you, may I ask you about your memory timings @3600MHz? Thank you :) (CL18-22-22-42?)

PS: Some fun facts. I used to read somewhere that the memory controller for the 2000G Series was not made by AMD.
The engineering was outsourced to AMD's partner, so they can stay focus on Vega and Cores and InfinityFabric. But I can not find this info anymore.
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Chassis Packer
Aug 4, 2018

@Crackong sorry to bother you again, would like to share you memory timings? :)

I ran my tests with Kingston 2x8GB 2666 CL19 , Basic sticks.
After that, I changed to Kingston HyperX 2x16GB 2666 CL15
Now it is running at 2666 16-17-17
Since VM is the main purpose of my machine.
I deliberately keep it at 2666 for max stability.
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Cable Smoosher
Jul 31, 2020
Yes, I'd like to get rid of the 'maybe' as I'm looking at this as an option to proceed an upgrade with :)

I do have the G.Skill, which is talked about here. Prior to finding sff and becoming a member of it's community :)
Theese are the 3200 XMP Modules at 18-18-18-43 / 2x 8GB.
(Able to lower to 16-17-17-34, still staying at 1.20V DDR, running Ryzen 2400G - but I assume it will impove given the upgraded memory controller of the 4000G Series. On the other hand, I'm able to stay @XMPTimings and leverage the Bandwidth to like 3333-3466MHz but the APU becomes unstable. So the memory should be good enough)

There is no good guide for SO-DIMM modules and the Chips soldered on them.
This particular G.Skill is "H5AN8G8NCJR-UHC", recognized as Hynix, "8 Gb C-die (Alius / 18 nm) / 1 die "
The G.Skill 3000 XMP Modules use also the same Hynicx DIEs.

You may also check this post from Weekly_Cow using Samsung C-DIEs on 2666MHz rated modules. Clear success. 3600@CL18 would be amaizing.

@Weekly_Cow speaking of you, may I ask you about your memory timings @3600MHz? Thank you :) (CL18-22-22-42?)

PS: Some fun facts. I used to read somewhere that the memory controller for the 2000G Series was not made by AMD.
The engineering was outsourced to AMD's partner, so they can stay focus on Vega and Cores and InfinityFabric. But I can not find this info anymore.

mine running CL22-22-22-43 1.35V ?
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Chassis Packer
Aug 26, 2020
Yes, I'd like to get rid of the 'maybe' as I'm looking at this as an option to proceed an upgrade with :)

I do have the G.Skill, which is talked about here. Prior to finding sff and becoming a member of it's community :)
Theese are the 3200 XMP Modules at 18-18-18-43 / 2x 8GB.
(Able to lower to 16-17-17-34, still staying at 1.20V DDR, running Ryzen 2400G - but I assume it will impove given the upgraded memory controller of the 4000G Series. On the other hand, I'm able to stay @XMPTimings and leverage the Bandwidth to like 3333-3466MHz but the APU becomes unstable. So the memory should be good enough)

There is no good guide for SO-DIMM modules and the Chips soldered on them.
This particular G.Skill is "H5AN8G8NCJR-UHC", recognized as Hynix, "8 Gb C-die (Alius / 18 nm) / 1 die "
The G.Skill 3000 XMP Modules use also the same Hynicx DIEs.

You may also check this post from Weekly_Cow using Samsung C-DIEs on 2666MHz rated modules. Clear success. 3600@CL18 would be amaizing.

@Weekly_Cow speaking of you, may I ask you about your memory timings @3600MHz? Thank you :) (CL18-22-22-42?)

PS: Some fun facts. I used to read somewhere that the memory controller for the 2000G Series was not made by AMD.
The engineering was outsourced to AMD's partner, so they can stay focus on Vega and Cores and InfinityFabric. But I can not find this info anymore.

Im running some inexpensive Crucial memory. XMP 3200 that I just set to 3400 in the BIOS and runs without issue for me. Im not much of a tinkerer so if it works I leave it if not I just leave it stock.
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jan 12, 2020
Futher regarding 4000 Series, and our two+ members, who have it. I would like to know, how behaves your SoC VID when Vega gets used.
Is there a voltage drop? and is it noticable (lets say >500mV) :) Thank you in advance.
Maybe we could push our RAM to higherr freqs. Then I would leave the CL18 timing as it is.

soc voltage delta during a 5 min 3d gaming session = 1.000 - 0.956 = 0.044 V:

for me 3200 mhz @ 16-18-18-43 1.2 V is rock stable with F4-3000C16D-16GRS (stock voltage and timings, did not try to change it yet). after memtesting this setup for an hour without errors, switched to 3400 with same settings and a300 hung up. could not boot and power cycling did not help either, no power/blue led/vent spinning. had to short cmos jumper and wait for 30 min as cpu heatsink was extremely hot. after this experience, i gave up further memory oc for now. maybe if someone can give me practical advice how to do it on this system i will try (don't know where to start, raising voltage to 1.35 and try 3400 mhz or doing 3333 mhz first at 1.2 V etc. also don't know whether it's worth it to go 1.35 V if the freq gain is only 200 mhz and so on).
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
Thanks you very much for your replies, guys :)

@Crackong yea, I get it, if it's a production VM (which is nice :), I got an NUC i3(2C/4T) here with Proxmox and 4VMs/16GB RAM .. it's ok for @home)
@yosoywilson78 As I can see from you screenshot, you have 3200XMP@CL16 modules running "only" at 2666MHz :) - I guess also VM?
@rubicoin wow! this is a small delta! @ 3200MHz RAM? - You can indeed see the improvement on the memory-side-of things! I'm impressed! Yea, this can be only a new Memory Controller (vs 3400). Amaizing.

Actually this is pretty good: 3200 mhz @ 16-18-18-43 1.2 V
Since Renoir has 2 main clocks to work with it's world "outside" of it: It's InfinityFabric Clock and RAM Clock.The Data can be sent when the 2 clock align in their "ticking". That's why to aim for 1:1 clock for RAM:InfinityFarblic. Remember, that DDR means "in fact half the speed". So 3200MHz RAM is Runnning @1600MHz Then check your IF@1800MHz .... Maybe you can make it 1:1, so try to relax RAM timings and leverage the clock. I would also not wish to go for 1.35V DDR, I don't know why. Benchmark. (@Weekly_Cow bumped infact his RAM to 3600MHz/2=1800MHz and IF=1800MHz -> 1:1 + thanks for sharing your timings)

Increase Voltage as last step to circumvent instability issues.
@rubicoin you can try Weekly_Cow's timings @ 3600MHz. I would go for 1:1 with RAM to IF.

If you fail to achieve the 1:1 clocks for RAM&IF, you can revert back, to the pervious divisor and than it's about testing and adjusting. Again, the RAM:IF divisor should not be like... Well, don't make RAM like 3333. This is what I'm trying to say.

If you whan to stay @3200MHz for RAM bit tighten the timings? Uhh I don't know. As I say, mine goes tighten to 16-17-17-39 @1.20V and 3200MHz. Benchmark

Don't forget to compare your benchmarks :)
Benchmarks suggest it's overprices and pointless to buys memory that is running faster than the IF... So yea, btw (not for A300) but you can also change the IF Clock (in BIOS). Tom's Hardware is writing, that the IF of the Ryzen 4000 is so good, that you can bump IF=2000MHz, to run DDR4-4000 in 1:1. Awesome

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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 18, 2020
Those are the stock settings. If you look at the second picture I am running 3400@CL16. Works fine for me.
ahhh, sorry, my bad :) didn't notice the slider. also awesome results! I see your modules are rated @stock XMP=3200@16-18-18-36 Micron DIEs? Amaizing. Were you able to run them that high on Ryzen prior to 4000G Series you are running now?


Cable-Tie Ninja
Jan 12, 2020
@rubicoin you can try Weekly_Cow's timings @ 3600MHz. I would go for 1:1 with RAM to IF.

If you fail to achieve the 1:1 clocks for RAM&IF, you can revert back, to the pervious divisor and than it's about testing and adjusting. Again, the RAM:IF divisor should not be like... Well, don't make RAM like 3333. This is what I'm trying to say.

If you whan to stay @3200MHz for RAM bit tighten the timings? Uhh I don't know. As I say, mine goes tighten to 16-17-17-39 @1.20V and 3200MHz. Benchmark

thanks for the details. finally i decided to stay @ 3200 mhz for now and use my a300 build as it is. after waiting 7 months for renoir, i shall settle a bit and appreciate curent speed/stability until i really need more gpu performance.

if i consider that these same memory sticks gave me random reboots during gaming with 2200g @ stock 3000 mhz, and the fact that i bought this kit for ~60 EUR, stable 3200 mhz is still an awesome value. renoir is simply awesome! besides great ram handling the increase in cpu performance is actually highly noticable in my real life usage (compared to the cheap 2200g of course, but it's still a freaking productivity beast).


Chassis Packer
Aug 26, 2020
ahhh, sorry, my bad :) didn't notice the slider. also awesome results! I see your modules are rated @stock XMP=3200@16-18-18-36 Micron DIEs? Amaizing. Were you able to run them that high on Ryzen prior to 4000G Series you are running now?

This is a new build. I had an MITX 2400g build that I just sold. So no data to compare unfortunately.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Aug 11, 2020
2. does anyone know if memory encryption (TSME) could be turned off in a300? on bios P3.60N it seems that no such option is present.

Have you look up at CPU Options at advanced `? @rubicoin
New Bios Version aviable on JZ-Electronics : 3.60 S
- Add Core Boost Performance and TSME
- removed enteries : 1) SOC-Voltage, 2) Infinity-fabric clock and Dividers
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jan 12, 2020
New Bios Version aviable on JZ-Electronics : 3.60 S
- Add Core Boost Performance and TSME
- Disable : SOC-Voltage, Infinity and Dividers

wow, thanks for the info, gonna try ASAP!

i hope TSME gets a disable option as well. also wondering what "Disable : SOC-Voltage, Infinity and Dividers" could mean? options disabled or an option to disable adjusting?

i can see original german description now, this means options added and removed. sad if true :(

1. Core Boost Performance und TSME eingefügt
2. SOC-Spannung, Infinity-Fabric-Frequency und Dividers entfernt

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