Yes just follow the guide of this thread.
You need to cut the ncase m1 with a flex. cutter and get some 180 adapters for the pcie 8 pin. Also the liquid rubber and you are good to go. Just read his guide
thank you for your response. FYI there is a guy from Taiwan managed to fit the EVGA 3080 FTW3 into the case without having to mod it. hope this help
[心得] 如何把3080 FTW3塞進NCASE M1
運氣好在EVGA官網買到一張 9/29下訂,隔天顯示出貨,原本想說連假會到結果沒有,還以為寄丟了跑去問客服單號 連假過後客服馬上就回覆了,發現原來是新竹物流國定假日都沒送,最後順利在10/5收 到,扣掉假日其實算很快了啦,有買到就要偷笑惹,可惜了連假QQ