I teased earlier about a how I had put a NH-U9S in here, and here is the update.
Isn't it beautiful.
@K888D sent me a new front panel in December and I've been to busy to take pictures until now.
There it is, the NH-U9S!
An external sfx psu,
@MarcParis will appreciate this!
A closer look at the cables coming out the back.
Now we can see the NH-U9S!
Here you can see the fitment of the cooler and how I routed the cooler.
My eventual plan is to put an EPP-400 ac-dc converter in here with a G-Unique plug in.
That box represents the EPP-400 plus 5mm standoffs.
You can also see I've removed the USB ports, in preparation of the EPP-400.
This is where I'm going to need something custom. I'm going to have the ac inlet to the right of the NH-U9S.