I'm pleased to be able to announce the beginning of Low Volume, a podcast by myself (Joshua), @Aibohphobia (James), and @confusis (John)!
Listeners who download our program on iTunes (once it's live there) will uncover the following podcast description, which we think does a pretty good job of capturing what we're looking to achieve with the show:
An occasional podcast by the co-founders of SFF Forum and SFF Network, Low Volume is a technology show focused on small form factor systems and the trend of miniaturization and ubiquity in the realm of consumer electronics. Discussions range from the newsworthy and interesting, to the humorous and profound.
Several of us have a background in podcasting and radio, and as such we've wanted to do a podcast-like program for some time. With our debut episode on the SFF-related announcements to come out of CES 2016, we've started a periodic show that will act as a sort of director's commentary for the ongoings of SFF Network, SFF Forum, and the technology landscape at large.
To listen to the show, navigate to lowvolu.me, and look for us on iTunes in the coming days as we wait to be added to their catalogue. Our first episode is definitely a bit of a rough cut, as we fiddled with audio equipment and recorded at unpleasantly early hours, but we'll be iterating constantly as we adapt the format, invite guests, and collect feedback from you all!
We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it. Thanks for listening!