General Chat Thread


Airflow Optimizer
Apr 12, 2018
OMG Threadripper gen 2 review unbargoed O_O

I'm gonna try and get my Gigabyte rep to send me their new X399 XTreme and a TR2 CPU (*crosses fingers*).

I'm just wierd at the thought that only MSI and Gigabyte are making TR2 motherboards. Their both epic, but still. (MSI X399 MEG and Gigabyte X399 Xtreme)
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Shrink Ray Wielder
Aug 18, 2016
early reviews suggest better performance for 3D rendering and related workloads on the 2990WX than video exporting and the related large-RAM workloads o_o the 2950X makes more sense for those dabbling in the most threads for the buck for the first time, so maybe that's why there's not many X399+ VRM upgraded boards o_o


SFF Guru
Jun 22, 2015
Expensive AAA games using raytracing engines will suck, relatively speaking, due to all the time and money spent by including raytracing. But they will (eventually) look amazing on bleeding edge systems. We just won't know they suck unless we overspend on our PCs.
Indies (and Nintendo) will still make great fun games without raytracing engines, because the majority of gamers will not have raytracing-capable systems and they will spend the money elsewhere.
NVidia will milk raytracing eye candy hardware for every dollar they can and laugh all the way to the bank.
I will buy a GPU for raytracing to the same extent I bought TVs for 3D - i.e., not at all.


Average Stuffer
Oct 16, 2017
To me, it isn't a question of whether ray tracing is a good idea or not (categorically, it is). It's just a question of whether it's a good idea right now.

I remember implementing a basic ray tracer as a Computer Science undergrad student well over a decade ago and being blown away at how much better the end result looked than the techniques we were using then (or even now). At least in terms of visual fidelity, it is a fundamentally and significantly better way of rendering than anything else we've been using up to this point, in much the same way that the transistor was a fundamentally better way of computing than the vacuum tube that preceded it. The only problem was that it took several orders of magnitude too long to be usable in real-time for things like AAA video games, which is why you only ever hear about ray tracing being used in offline renderers (e.g. Pixar using it in recent films).

Ever since that class, there's been no doubt in my mind that at some point—once the costs were down, the technology was in people's hands, and the content production pipelines had time to adapt—every single major 3D game engine would be (re-)built using real, honest-to-goodness ray tracing.

So is that time now? I have no idea. I haven't looked into the current state of affairs enough to know whether Nvidia is cutting corners to sell us "ray tracing" before the hardware is actually ready. But whenever real ray tracing does come, I expect that its arrival will look something like what we see now: it'll start on the high end of the market and won't have wide support or adoption, after a few years it'll be supported on every card and will have mixed adoption, and then a few years after that we'll be on the other side of a one-way transition, after which point we won't look back, just like no one is switching back to using vacuum tubes for general purpose computing.


King of Cable Management
Nov 18, 2017
I'm going to mount my Hades Canyon machine on the back of my monitor (Eizo FS2434). Unfortunately everything above this line that I've marked with Sharpie obstructs the bottom of the VESA bracket that the PC slides into. So, it shall be cut.

EDIT: It is done.

Look at this little 6" HDMI cable, man. It's so cute.
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Shrink Ray Wielder
Aug 18, 2016
halp I'm hooked on the RTX hype now ,_,

EDIT: like seriously this is the artist side of me talking now
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CC Ricers

Shrink Ray Wielder
Bronze Supporter
Nov 1, 2015
Another thought on GPU cooling - why do they keep making ridiculously long cards with those whiny tiny fans? Slightly taller 2,5 slot cooler can keep the chip and pcb just as cool, or cooler, while the card doesn't have to be more than 15cm in length.

I found this modded GPU on sale, so its cooling has been made more tiny, in its own "special" way...

Only $180 bucks... what a deal!! XD


Shrink Ray Wielder
Aug 18, 2016

just checked back. here's their response:

your thoughts on allowing one-size-up motherboards in cases? (e.g. allowing an mATX board in ITX-specific cases (sorry you guys don't seem to make a vertical ITX case I can bring up for this example! ,_,), or using an ATX board in the Q300L) Especially for those who will never use anything past PCIe slot 2 o_o

I mean (for the Q300L example) the PSU will be in the way, but that's something easily solved by using an SFX power supply and a faceplate adapter.

We originally wanted the Q300 line to be like this. However we scrapped the idea because it could confuse some users when they see that they can't use some ports on an ATX board in a mATX-sized case.

huh. that thought DID cross their minds o_o too bad it's an easter egg now ,_, (but at least still doable!)
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King of Cable Management
Nov 18, 2017
Let me tell you, it's weird having a PC that I can't disassemble in 5 minutes to be left with a bunch of individual components that I can flip on eBay or Craigslist or throw away or feed to my dog.



SFF Lingo Aficionado
Apr 21, 2017
Has anyone looked at AsRock H310 mATX boards, especially H310CM-HDV, H310CM-DVS and H310M-DGS?

They're borderline infuriating. Decent, affordable and at 18,8x19cm they could easily be fitted in an SFF case BUT the pci-e socket, for some reason, isn't the first expansion slot, making it impossible to install a GPU.