Hello, I just bought a Ryzen 5 4600G and with the latest bios (7.40, 2022-11-09) works perfetly fine.
I'm really happy of my upgrade path (Ryzen 3 1200 -> Ryzen 3 3100 -> Ryzen 5 4600G), this motherboard is really amazing.
The only small issue I have with Windows 11 is that's impossible for me to run any RGB software that works with the integrated controller on the motherboard, I can only use from Bios, but it's a minor thing.
Edit: The last version of Asrock RGB Software (from the Motherboard Download section) is finally fixed and works perfectly on Windows 11. Install and reboot, it should automatically upgrade the RGB controller firmware, if not you can do it yourself from an administrative terminal:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ASRock Utility\ASRRGBLED\Bin
wICPFLASH.exe /File=nu51_1.10
Reboot and should work.