Production Apex - 15L portable watercooled build


Airflow Optimizer
May 11, 2017

X hrs of draining and cleaning and 3000 miles of flying and redoing the loop, here it is up and running again!!

Hand carried this without much trouble, the guy at the customs was like "dang is that your computer did you build that?" Made my day XD

Can't carry liquid through security........I totally forgot about that.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Dec 8, 2016
Some updates after just over a year since I finished this build

Custom DEMCifilter, really nice quality, mesh is super fine, doesn't seem to affect airflow much

New M5 thumbscrews to match the fluid

Changed the fan config to all fans blowing in, exhausting passively at the back

Pretty happy overall that the loop is holding up quite well, drained once half a year ago when I flew from Canada > US

JoJo approves