I replied to your email about the problem. I suspect a loose or twisted pin in the housing as it would be coincidental if they both broke at the same time.
With which Tool would you arrange the Pins in Reverse ( pull them out)?
I Send it back and Get a New oneusing a small flat screwdriver to push down the retention clips usually works for me
for the PSU is it possible to get something like this a Notebook (Alienware) Power supply cable
https://eleteile.com/product/dell-240w-7-4mm-gan-adapter-netzteil/?notebookmodel=for Alienware M18x-4068&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIytzWlcWFiAMVQk9BAh1VqyfuEAQYAyABEgJgOvD_BwE
an external PSU
and then connecting it to a Pico PSU with 200w via 12v socket?
Inter-Tech Mini-ITX PSU 200W NAS DC/DC, Adapter ohne Netzteil, unterstützt Netzteile bis 200W, null Watt
Die kompakte Bauform dieser Mini-ITX PSU erlaubt es, auch in engen Gehäusen die Komponenten mit Strom zu versorgen. Ein Kabel mit Buchse und Überwu...www.alternate.de