
  1. HgArg

    Fully 3D printed custom case (update)

    Hi comunity of SFF. I designed and made my first SFF case. In this case I used AutoCAD to designed because I needed to see if all the parts will fit on the case, I don't have any idea about components. I had two first conditions: use a MIni-ITX motherboard and a low profile graphic card (for...
  2. M

    Any help would be really appreciated

    Hi guys, Having asked many other sites and had no response, I have found you guys and am hoping that you can help. I am building a small PC for my parents (Hackintosh) with the requirments that it must be small and look nice. This is the build that I already bought minus the case and with no...
  3. Phuncz

    Enclosure Thermaltake Core G3: a 24L ATX case with SFX mount

    Thermaltake certainly surprised me with doing something that makes sense for some of us but is completely bonkers for 99% of the PC enthusiasts: an ATX case with only room for a single double-slot GPU, that's relatively slim too. While the one GPU limitation is too much for enthusiast builds...
  4. jtd871

    News [TH] Silverstone outs Thin m-ITX case,32554.html
  5. TheInternal

    Thoughts on "Syber"

    Anyone work with one of the CyberPowerPC Syber cases yet / have any opinion on them? It's one of the more attractive cases I've seen, but they don't sell just the case. I've already sent a query to the sales department about if it will support a SFX-L PSU or not, though I should probably get the...
  6. S

    DoubleU - 3.99L gaming machine

    Hello, I've kinda new here and to making logs but we all should start somewhere someday, right? So I started with idea of making gaming tablet based on desktop parts but turned out that nano-itx with PCI-e and reasonable CPU costs over 1000$ witch made me drop this idea. However, on the way...
  7. M

    Need advice for a new Case

    Hello there, i want to build a minimalistic RIG for VR Gaming. Just MB/CPU/RAM with graphicCard and one SSD and one M2 SSD. But I haven't decided yet about some things: First: If i go with own Rig, instead of buying a laptop, which Case should i Pick? The smallest one that comes to my mind is...
  8. Simwalh

    [Scratch Build] It's finally done! Custom case, custom watercooling, custom cables, custom everythin

    I recently built my first gaming pc by myself, and it was great fun. But now that I'm done, there is a large gap in me that needs to be filled! So i first thought about watercooling (just for looks really), but the watercooling support of mitx cases (mine in particular) is either rather poor, or...
  9. jtd871

    Review Silverstone RVZ02 Case Reviewed on SPCR
  10. confusis

    .SKP CoolerMaster Elite 120 2015-12-14

    Highly accurate Coolermaster Elite 120 all parts grouped so removal is easy