What brought me to sff


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Dec 5, 2018

sorry we were getting a bit off topic in the ppl thread . .. so I have brought here

those guys actually did a lot of content on SFF boutique cases - that's how I got into SFF actually, I watched the LTT's video on the Dan A4 v1 years ago, and got so hooked that I had to Googled up the case, found the A4 thread here and stuck with this forum ever since ?

sure they do a lot of interesting stuff, but i prefer reading (at my own pace) and looking up references than passively watching youtube. I also get fed up with the advertising. Saying that I do sometimes watch their stuff . .

I got in through the hard forum where I used to um lurk .. . this accelerated with the dan and the sentry cases and this kind of transitioned over to here. I was and still am interested in building / designing my own SFF case as I work from home mostly (especially now) and it was getting difficult with multiple 40 litre plus cases finding places to put them in a small room.


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
More than a few people originate from Hardforum and before that Sudhian even. Some other SFF subforums existed but rarely was there a dedicated SFF community which we are at now :)

I combine video reviews with reading for the different look and perspective. A picture says more than a thousand words, a video says more than a thousand pictures, but generally I prefer words, picture and video to have all the perspectives. While I'm typing this, I'm also watching videos of various topics.


SFF Guru
Jul 14, 2018
pretty much my information funnel, for SFF as well as most things nowadays, is as following: Youtube -> Google -> Vendor/Creator websites -> Community pages (Reddit, FB groups, dedicated forums, etc.)
  • Youtube: as you said it's great for passive content consumption, plus it acts as a filtering for me since I only watch videos from people that I have a certain level of confidence in their honesty and presentation of facts and opinions. But that is certainly not the be-all-end-all. For example I did not get hyped about the T1 from Optimum Tech's videos at all. Yes, I was interested but only low-key and not to the level of fervor that many gotten to at the time.
  • Google: as any good millenials / professionals, this is the go-to to gather as much and as broad a range of information as possible on any topics, then moving on to the actual information/sources
  • Vendor/Creator websites: I'd prefer getting info from its original source first, from the horse's mouth so to speak, to understand the vision, the intention behind the idea and creative process. And NOT get my impression conflated by any other 3rd party opinion.
  • Community pages: these are for the different POVs and perspectives, the deep-dive conversations and theorycrafting and such (a.k.a the T1 thread and many more here)
@Phuncz agree that more information in more formats is always better, and that I'm a visual person too so stand alone, videos/pictures are much more useful for me than texts
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Spatial Philosopher
Jul 7, 2017
I had been a member of [H]ard since 2016 when I picked up my Ncase and was following one of Neceres concepts and the discussion had moved to SFF. So I joined the forum and so glad I did seeing that [H]ard SFF sub forum is pretty much dead now.


Caliper Novice
Apr 9, 2019
I saw reviews on Sentry 2.0 and wanted to buy that case and build an SFF computer for myself. Then I preordered the case and realized that I will have to wait ~9 months until I can actually build in it, but I could really use a desktop computer earlier than that. I then decided I would make a sleeper build in my grandmas old case but this required me to get a flex PSU. I then discovered this forum while looking for info on flex PSUs. Turns out you can find all kinds of useful stuff here! My favorites are risers and custom cabling that people find on eastern marketplaces.


Average Stuffer
Sep 16, 2018
I guess I first got into "SFF" back almost twenty years ago when I helped a friend build in an Antec microATX case. Everything was constrained and it ran dreadfully hot, but I liked the principle of building more into less and being space efficient. I think it had a Pentium 4, 1GB GeiL DDR and a 9800 Pro.

After that I was hooked and I got myself a system in the first Sugo SG01 a little bit later. Then from there I had an SG03, and then I think about ten years ago I made the move to ITX with the SG05. I've run ITX builds ever since.

I can't see myself even going "back" to micro ATX, let alone anything bigger. Most of the builds I see in ATX cases look nice but the wasted space really bothers me.