Hello forum 
I build this mini killer pc with a very small case, and now I think it's about time I share it with you.
I do not game, I produce music.. This allows me to take it with me and have it in my backpack. So good compared to my old laptop!
Spec list:
Asus STRIX-I z370
I7 8700 non K
Noctua nh-l9i
Corsair Vengeance lpx 3200 - 2 x 8gb
Samsung 960 evo 250gb
Streacom nano psu, 160w
Streacom f1c ws Evo
Changes from start to end.
1. I did buy an Asrock motherboard at first, but it had errors and where sent back. Changed to Asus, and I must say I'm glad. Bios, looks and design is better. And wow, that light from the mobo looks amazing through the glass top at night!
2. I happened to start with a 150w nano psu but for some reason it just died on me. So I got a refund and got myself a 160w instead.
3. After several weeks of setting up bios and fans to get the right temperatures, I almost went out and bought another case. It was cooking inside that case! But only with the top installed...
So I finally decided to do a mod, simply because I love that 19x19cm case so much.
I bought grey toned plexiglass to make the new top, and it worked out perfect.
4. I also bought myself an extra fan. Noctua again, to fit my design like the cpu cooler. But this was only 4 x 4 cm in size because of the limitations inside the case.
Tried the fan both ways - blowing hot air out and taking air in. Exhaust was the best option for the temps, but it only gave me 1 degree in difference. Therefore I took it out again. This way I have lower noise level.
5. I ordered a silent Wings fan, wich was recommended by a member on this forum. But the company has been unable to deliver it. So I'm still waiting
Just to finish up:
I had to make some limitations for the cpu because of the tiny case and lack of airflow. I locked the cpu to 4.3 on all cores. So even when turbo kicks in, it wont pass that point. MCE is off. And finally I made an negative offset for my voltage.
My temps are like 35-39 idle and 65-87 with heavy load. Hitting 89-91 about to times in 3 months.
Thought I would share some great news about this build with you, you've all been kind with your replies etc.
I did a delid on the cpu, and that took it to new levels! I'm running at normal boost speed and everything is never going over 80c, actually it's almost never over 70c.so happy with the result.
After some more testing with different fans on the cpu. The best is still the noctua I startet with.
For the case fan as I first said didn't matter, apparently it does. I did some longer tests, and have it installed now. It's running with low noise adapter and the low bios setting. So I can't hear it at all! But when the system is on for many hours, it seems to do some work. It removes some of that hot air the case have a hard time getting rid of.
I build this mini killer pc with a very small case, and now I think it's about time I share it with you.
I do not game, I produce music.. This allows me to take it with me and have it in my backpack. So good compared to my old laptop!

Spec list:
Asus STRIX-I z370
I7 8700 non K
Noctua nh-l9i
Corsair Vengeance lpx 3200 - 2 x 8gb
Samsung 960 evo 250gb
Streacom nano psu, 160w
Streacom f1c ws Evo
Changes from start to end.
1. I did buy an Asrock motherboard at first, but it had errors and where sent back. Changed to Asus, and I must say I'm glad. Bios, looks and design is better. And wow, that light from the mobo looks amazing through the glass top at night!
2. I happened to start with a 150w nano psu but for some reason it just died on me. So I got a refund and got myself a 160w instead.
3. After several weeks of setting up bios and fans to get the right temperatures, I almost went out and bought another case. It was cooking inside that case! But only with the top installed...
So I finally decided to do a mod, simply because I love that 19x19cm case so much.
I bought grey toned plexiglass to make the new top, and it worked out perfect.
4. I also bought myself an extra fan. Noctua again, to fit my design like the cpu cooler. But this was only 4 x 4 cm in size because of the limitations inside the case.
Tried the fan both ways - blowing hot air out and taking air in. Exhaust was the best option for the temps, but it only gave me 1 degree in difference. Therefore I took it out again. This way I have lower noise level.
5. I ordered a silent Wings fan, wich was recommended by a member on this forum. But the company has been unable to deliver it. So I'm still waiting
Just to finish up:
I had to make some limitations for the cpu because of the tiny case and lack of airflow. I locked the cpu to 4.3 on all cores. So even when turbo kicks in, it wont pass that point. MCE is off. And finally I made an negative offset for my voltage.
My temps are like 35-39 idle and 65-87 with heavy load. Hitting 89-91 about to times in 3 months.
Thought I would share some great news about this build with you, you've all been kind with your replies etc.
I did a delid on the cpu, and that took it to new levels! I'm running at normal boost speed and everything is never going over 80c, actually it's almost never over 70c.so happy with the result.
After some more testing with different fans on the cpu. The best is still the noctua I startet with.
For the case fan as I first said didn't matter, apparently it does. I did some longer tests, and have it installed now. It's running with low noise adapter and the low bios setting. So I can't hear it at all! But when the system is on for many hours, it seems to do some work. It removes some of that hot air the case have a hard time getting rid of.
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