Prototype The Toaster: 5.0L - Fits 1080 Ti Mini & Internal HDPlex 400W AC-DC


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jul 9, 2018
This is a design I've been working on for awhile. My goal is to fit my current setup into a package that's 5 litres or under...competitive with S4 Mini which would not fit my components but is the same size. Also, while the book style of pc is attractive to many, I like more of the toaster design. Some will immediately point out that this externally looks similar to another product on the forum; yes it does, but every other detail is unique and has taken an unbelievable amount of ocd hours to fit into this package.

I originally did a model in SketchUp but later was able to switch over to SolidWorks to get down to that manufacturing level of detail. Note, many of the items in here are my own models so while they are representative of the real components, you'll notice slight variations. I still have a few things to look at to make assembly easier (rivet nuts for one). Also, the tolerances of this build will be unbelievably tight so we'll see how well the project progresses.

Let me know what you all think!

Dimensions: 113mm wide x 200mm tall x 220mm long (4.97L)

- 1080ti mini (should fit a Gigabyte 2070 mini but may need some tweaking to fit the Zotac 2070 mini which is 4mm taller)
- mini itx motherboard
- LP53 heatsink w/ slim fan
- i8700k
- SSD (room for only one...might cleverly be able to fit two)
- HDPlex 400W AC-DC (on pre-order)
- G. Skill Trident Z (tallest ram on the market)
- Also setup to fit a single slim "90mm" fan [I'm showing the Thermaltake AXP-100 (100mmx15mm) fan which is something @JHack has for sale]

- 200mm riser cable (ends of gpu clip a little narrower than stock)
- Front strip & logo would be LED lit acrylic
- Body and all panels are 3mm thick aluminum
- Interior mounting bracket is 2mm aluminum
- GPU bracket also needs to trimmed (I think I found a source on eBay for black ones that could be cut down)\
- While most components are exposed to the exterior for pulling in cold air, some sort of blocking sheeting may be desired between components

Without further adieu, here are some first shot renders:



Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jul 9, 2018
looks A LOT like some of @sergiiua designs... and when I say "A LOT", I really mean it.

I'm not trying to deny that fact...I even state it. The cutouts and the front stripe are very similar to some of his builds but he also has a wide range of designs that cover many different looks. I simply like that design & while the exterior is similar, the shapes are just a feature to easily switch's just time to make several models. I don't think you'll find much else similar...except that it's extremely compact!
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King of Cable Management
Jan 21, 2017
It is similar but I see the improvements. Love how you mounted the psu beside the mobo to keep space efficient. You did good bro!
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King of Cable Management
Jan 21, 2017
One thing, hows the noise with the cooler so close to the side panel? Ive noticed The lp53 / slim fan and the cryorig c7 both suffer from this in cases with only 48-50mm clearance in many models like the saber sentry, custom mod sfx, Dan A4, etc. While the fans are normally quiet, being very close to vented panels makes them sound like turbines.


Cable Smoosher
Feb 24, 2019
I like the internal layout, and nice SolidWorks skills. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the large hex patterns, I think a different pattern could make it look better. Otherwise, I like that you crafted it to use the HDPlex instead of a Flex PSU.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jul 9, 2018
One thing, hows the noise with the cooler so close to the side panel? Ive noticed The lp53 / slim fan and the cryorig c7 both suffer from this in cases with only 48-50mm clearance in many models like the saber sentry, custom mod sfx, Dan A4, etc. While the fans are normally quiet, being very close to vented panels makes them sound like turbines.

Yeah I dunno. I have no case on my setup right now. The 1080 ti mini is also not a quiet component, though for the adventurous, fan mods can help with that. On the CPU side, with a 15mm thick fan, there's only 4 to 4.5 mm of clearance between the fan and the side panel.

I added a another render from the bottom with the side panels on just to show how tightly things fit.


King of Cable Management
Jan 21, 2017
With the large hex vents, it may not be an issue. Do you have an eta on first prototype yet?


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jul 9, 2018
I'm at least a month from having one fully built.

I plan to do the bending myself so I need to get a feel for the right lengths/material for a bend. I'll check those results against my flat patterns. I'll then get parts quoted and cut. Hole drilling, real bending and fit check after that. Then I could have a few built...


Master of Cramming
Mar 9, 2017
Awesome, this may be the densest design I've seen yet. Great usage of the space under the GPU for the AC-DC, that's usually dead space in sandwich designs. I think the top fan can make a big difference, wouldn't it be better if it were oriented as exhaust? I hope to see this in production.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jul 9, 2018
Thank you for the comments. I plan to look at alternate cutouts/colors. I think a white or light grey case would be pretty slick. I'll take suggestions on cutouts.

The top fan pulling air from the case was my thought too... might be reversed in the pictures. The front of the GPU swirls air pretty badly by design so it'll probably heat all the air in the front of the case, which is why some separator might be needed between the GPU and AC-DC supply inlet. Also, I have the CPU fan pulling air in rather than pushing out.


Cable-Tie Ninja
Oct 20, 2017
I'm really really interested in this case, I hope you manage to fit Zotac mini cards in there (planning on using one in the next build).

Not sold on the red accents at all though, hope you change it all to black maybe with white/silver accents. Would love if you manage to make some sort of windowed panel for the GPU side an option (acrylic maybe). Price might also be a problem if you count the case, the riser and the PSU.
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Chassis Packer
Oct 26, 2018
I think that's a great design and extremely compact case! Very interesting indeed.. I would love to see more updates.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Jul 9, 2018
Glad to see more interest. Progress is not nearly as fast as I'd like. I have a complete set of drawings now & I think I found a place not too far away that can do the work. If they're positive about the job, they'd do the cutting and bending & I'd just have to assemble everything. So far, I have no idea on how much it'll cost me to make the prototype but it's worth it.

Also, my HDPlex 400W AC-DC just arrived yesterday. I haven't taken a good look at it yet, but I want to see if I can pull the two screws from one side and attach it directly to the bottom of the chassis. That would make installation & removal so much easier than how it currently has to go with the little brackets. The AC-DC only having mounting options on one face is a pretty big restriction.

@Marvelm , I think an acrylic GPU side is easy enough. The side panels aren't really meant to be the structure of the design. I'm hoping the body has enough structure by using 3mm thick aluminum.

An interesting point about colors. My plan has always been to anodize the aluminum. However, barring some very specialized techniques, you can't get a true white by anodizing, only an off-white or greyish color. I do know people that do dipping and powder coating also. Each technique is just a balance of pros/cons.
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Average Stuffer
Jul 12, 2016
One thing, hows the noise with the cooler so close to the side panel? Ive noticed The lp53 / slim fan and the cryorig c7 both suffer from this in cases with only 48-50mm clearance in many models like the saber sentry, custom mod sfx, Dan A4, etc. While the fans are normally quiet, being very close to vented panels makes them sound like turbines.
Most likely with large openings, there will be next to no air turbulance noise. Usually when the fan is right up agains the side of the case and the ventilation holes are small, it's make noise when air is being pulled in.


Average Stuffer
Jul 12, 2016
What is the small fan under the gpu compartment?

Like the direction your heading with this. Good Work!
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CC Ricers

Shrink Ray Wielder
Bronze Supporter
Nov 1, 2015
I guess production of this case case is no longer being planned (seeing that the OP has not been online for several months). Sucks, because I really like this flexible mini-card layout and have more options besides the Custom Mod.


Average Stuffer
Jul 12, 2016
I guess production of this case case is no longer being planned (seeing that the OP has not been online for several months). Sucks, because I really like this flexible mini-card layout and have more options besides the Custom Mod.
Same here. I was looking forward to some updates on this project. Looks very promising, but hey OP's been missing in action. OP if you get these messages, an update please :)