Wow stunning bending job !! Did you do it by hand ?
Those coolpipes are easy to bend but do not forgive any mistakes : almost impossible to bend again without breaking them.
Regarding your CPU temps, I see two possible issues :
1. From my experience, superposing two coolpipes does not work. Only the pipe in direct contact with the CPU will work.
2. From Amec recommandations, the coolpipes work much better vertically : the radiator stays above the heat source so that the condensated liquid can go back to the heat source quicker, thanks to gravity.
I think one pipe is enough for the CPU ; what you could do is try to "link" two rads with one pipe
Last week I tried to cool an i7 7700 with my HFX mCubed, made around two rads measuring 220 x 75 x 40.
I'm using a 50 x 50 x 5 mm piece of polished copper between the CPU and the 250 mm pipe.
Around 50 mm (20 mm on the left, 30 mm on the right) of the pipe is on contact with both rads.
Idle temp stabilized around 35° (ambiant temp around 20°).
After 20 min of Prime95, the CPU reached a temprature of 75°C, open case.
Both rads were very hot to touch and did saturate very quickly ; I did not try to test it any longer but I guess I would have reached some pretty toasty temps.
Conclusion : rad surface matters a lot, as well as respecting a vertical setup.
Surface contact between the pipe and the rad did not matter that much, as only 1/5 of the pipe length was enough to saturate the radiators.