Silverstone Sugo SG13 Front Mount PSU build


Minimal Tinkerer
Original poster
New User
Apr 21, 2020

As a first self build I used my Fractal Design Node 202 case as it was located under my TV as a "VCR".
- I prefer to use my PC with my monitor,
- my PC needed some dust cleaning,
- the old case didn't fit into the new shelves ( IKEA Kallax ), then I decided to transfer my PC to a new living environment.
As for the project I had some goals:
1. It needs to be cost effective
2. It needs to match the shelves
3. Customize the case as little as possible

About the project:
1. Finding the case
For that I found Max78 build thread in this same forum and I started look if the Silverstone Sugo SG13WB case would fit the shelves.
For my luck it was a nice match keeping all the sides clear for air ventilation and the back for cables. The extra benefit was that it was quite cheap 44€ and it was made in white also. The only downside is that it doesn't come fit dust filters as a standard and you need to buy them separately. For a brief session in Google I found a set of magnetic filters from Demciflex for 24,35€+shipping which would eliminate the dust problem.

2. Finding the components
This was at first the easy part since I was going to use the old parts from my FD build. From there I got:
Asus B150l ProGaming/Aura
Intel Core i5-7600
Noctua NH-L9i
Corsair Valueselect 8gb 2133 MHz DDR4
Asus Turbo GTX 1060-6GB
1TB HGST Travelstar 7k1000
250 GB Samsung 850 Evo SSD
Silverstone SST-SX600-G PSU

3. Preparation of the build
The only thing that really bothered me was the PSU location at top of the CPU and its cooler. For this I used the Max78 idea of front mounting. But since I had a SFX PSU, then this meant that I needed to but the PSU on a platform and also attach it to the frame. CPU, MoBo, GPU locations stayed as for the regular build.

4. The build
Thank for the components I needed to only fabricate the stand for the PSU. For that I went to local hardware store and got some metal details (correct me for the vocabulary) and bolted them to each other. Thankfully for mounting I could use the front ventilator holes for it.

All went as planned and the only questionable factor is the SSD/HDD placements (marked in red) since currently one is located on the original PSU side mount ant the other one on the SFX to ATX PSU bracket. For that I intend to replace SSD with an M2 one and the HDD move to below the GPU if possible during the next update.
And to add RGB isn't a goal since it doesn't give much with this case.

5. Final result
I am quite satisfied with the results. Unfortunately I didn't benchmark my old PC layout and the new.

6. Updates
As for updates
1. RAM update to 16 GB
2. M2 SSD to replace old (7y) Samsung SSD drive
3. Dust filters
4. Case vents: Noctua 92mm CPU side for intake and the top for outtake
5. Improved CPU cooler
6. Power supply socket to the outside of the case

Any recommendations are welcomed.


Chassis Packer
Dec 13, 2019
Thank you @Rufu for posting this. This is by far the most elegant solution for the front PSU mod in SG13 that I have been searching for the last 2 weeks as I'm also wanting do it once my parts arrive.

Regarding the PSU socket, I saw from this post, that there's an ATX PSU bracket with place for 80mm fan and C14 power entry socket on amaon/taobao although you can make one yourself if you have access to 3D printer.

Regarding the PSU stand, do you know what those metal things called? I would like to mount my SFX psu in the same way and see if I can get them in local hardware store. Also, can you please post more pictures of those metal brackets/PSU mounting from front side if possible. I would like to get a better understanding of this as I have very less knowledge on hardware parts.
