Enclosure mITX cases for full sized components (1080Ti, 7700k etc)


What's an ITX?
Original poster
Nov 1, 2017

I am about to start a new build from scratch. Coming from an older Cosmos S case, which is not only huge but also weighs a lot I would like to downscale to a smaller case. Therefore I've been looking at Mini ITX and Micro ATX cases but I've noticed an ongoing trend;

It seems that many of the mITX cases are quite close to the size of normal mATX mid towers, rendering it quite pointless to go through all the additional difficulty of the smaller build. (Such as the increased difficulty in cable tidying, increased chances of thermal problems etc.)

Does anyone have any recommendations on a mITX case (preferably with a side window) which can handle full sized components such as a 1080Ti without cooking itself to death but not being the same size as a mATX mid tower?

If it helps and for reference this is currently my potential build that I'm considering purchasing: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/TobyJT/saved/#view=fwkkLk

The case I was considering:





King of Cable Management
Dec 3, 2016
Ncase M1.

Supposedly a 3rd party organization is going to be selling optional side window panels for this case starting very soon