Discussion Mini-ITX case with same sepcific requirements


Average Stuffer
Original poster
May 28, 2019
So I am looking for a specific ITX case.

I have been already looking around, but I am not really able to really find what I am looking for.
But I bet you guys and girls can help me with this :)

This is just a brainstorm idea (for now) for a non-gaming build


- regular mini ITX board, not thin mini-itx
- full size PCIE bracket above the mainboard/CPU cooler (it's going to be a very low power system anyway, so that's not a big deal)
- PSU outside case with barrel jack , or more specifically no PSU inside because;
- as small as possible
- slim slot dvd/blu-ray player would be a nice to have
- affordable (< 40-60 bucks or so)
- ideally with at least two USB ports at the front
- Available in EU without to many crazy import/shipping problems (AliExpress is fine, but not like US Amazon or so)

Second best would be all of the above but I guess just one single half sized PCIE slot (either vertically or horizontally)

edit: a barebone solution that's available for about 150 bucks is maybe also an option?
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Christopher Moine - Senior Editor SFF.N
Revenant Tech
SFFn Staff
Apr 21, 2017
Did you ever find it? Off hand I can't think of anything that matches it. A few come close, but nothing exactly.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
May 28, 2019

No, I was hoping you guys had some ideas! :)
Just putting some things in their just as a brainstorm would be also great!