Enclosure laying SG13 on it's side with case feet?


Efficiency Noob
Original poster
Aug 16, 2015
I have a 12 x 7.25 inch space where I can fit a PC on my desk, and it would perfectly fit an SG13, but on it's side , so either the GPU or PSU facing down. If I remove the case feet and put them on the side does anyone see an issue with thermals? Im planning on going with an ATX PSU, and 120mm AIO.


Christopher Moine - Senior Editor SFF.N
Revenant Tech
SFFn Staff
Apr 21, 2017
The PSU exhausts out the back, so it should be fine. Just make sure it intakes from inside the the PC. The GPU needs the most airflow so I would leave that open. Put some 1 inch legs on the side that's facing the desk, and you should be ok.